Terrain Minerals Limited is engaged in the exploration of gold and other mineral resources. It holds four projects: Bundarra, East Kambalda, Redcastle and Euro. Bundarra is located 70 kilometers north of Leonora. A combined RC and Diamond Drilling program totaling more than 16,000 meters was completed in April 2008. The Bundarra (Celtic) Project, which is 100% owned by Terrain, includes the Black Cat joint venture, and the Great Western prospect. The project area covers 100 square kilometers and encompasses all the major gold prospects in the Bundarra area. The Redcastle Project covers an area of gold workings, with a recorded historical production of 3,000 tons. The Euro project lies immediately to the West of the Euro Mining Centre. The East Kambalda project lies 10 kilometer northeast of Kambalda. The project area covers three north-westerly trending belts of volcanics separated by sediments. Arocom Pty Ltd is the Company’s wholly owned subsidiary.
Terrain Minerals Limited
2010년 12월3일 호주 시장보고서: Winchester Resources (ASX:WCR), 고 등급 인도네시아 망간 프로젝트 인수// Chesser Resources Limited (ASX:CHZ), 터키 북서부에서 긍정적인 금 분석 결과 추가 확보// Terrain Minerals Limited (ASX:TMX), New Global Mining Limited에 Coogee Gold 매장지 1.17백만 달러(A$)에 매각// Brockman Resources Limited (ASX:BRM), UGL Resources Pty Ltd와 Marillana 철광석 프로젝트 설계 및 건설을 위한 기본설계(FEED) 계약체결
81,283 회사 소개
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