Fluence Corporation Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

查看其它語言版本 Emefcy Group Ltd (ASX:EMC) Aviso de EGM y Reporte de Expertos Independiente para una Propuesta de Adquisición Emefcy Group Ltd (ASX:EMC) 股东特别大会的通知和关于收购计划的独立专家报告 Emefcy Group Ltd (ASX:EMC) Notice of EGM and Independent Experts Report for Proposed Acquisition Emefcy Group Ltd (ASX:EMC) 股東特別大會的通知和關於收購計劃的獨立專家報告 

Melbourne, 2017年6月8日, AEST (ABN Newswire) - Emefcy Group Ltd (googlechartASX:EMC) (googlechartEMFGF:OTCMKTS) 計劃從RSL投資公司(RSL Investments Corporation)收購所有RWL Water LLC有限責任公司股份。 RWL Water LLC是全球水、廢水和水的再利用方案提供商。此項收購將通過發行Emefcy股票來籌資。完成RWL Water LLC的收購後,公司也計劃向RSL投資公司發行Emefcy的股價為0.85澳元的股票,以籌資20,000,000美元。

關於向RSL投資公司發行Emefcy股票,The Independent Expert準備了一份獨立專家報告,並判定,在沒有優於此開價的前提下,此交易提議對於非關聯的股東來說是公平且合理的。詳情參見附錄A(見以下鏈接)。


地點:Hall & Wilcox
Level 11, Rialto South Tower
525 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria (墨爾本,維多利亞)



內容關於: Fluence Corporation Ltd

Emefcy Group Ltd ASX EMC

Fluence Corporation (ASX:FLC) (OTCMKTS:EMFGF) is a leader in the decentralized water, wastewater and reuse treatment markets, with its Smart Products Solutions, including Aspiral, NIROBOX, NIROFLEX and SUBRE.  Fluence offers an integrated range of services across the complete water cycle, from early stage evaluation, through design and delivery to ongoing support and optimization of water related assets, as well as Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) and other recurring revenue solutions.  With established operations in North America, South America, the Middle East, Europe and China, Fluence has experience operating in over 70 countries worldwide and enables businesses and communities worldwide to maximize their water resources.

Further information can be found at https://www.fluencecorp.com/

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Emefcy Group Ltd
電話: +61-3-9824-5254
電郵: info@emefcygroup.com
網址: www.emefcy.com

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