公佈意將與RWL Water合併為一家創新的全球水處理公司
Melbourne, 2017年5月5日, AEST (ABN Newswire) - Emefcy Group Limited (
EMFGF:OTCMKTS)("Emefcy")很高興地宣布,公司已簽署一份有關與RWL Water(簡稱"RWL Water")合併業務的意向書,如果合併完成,將創建一個革新的配水和污水處理解決方案的全球供應商。預計合併將大大加快Emefcy在中國及其他主要市場的部署情況,給Emefcy和RWL Water的產品和系統帶來顯著的銷售協同效應,實現持續強勁的收入增長,提高毛利率,增加經常性收入流。
如果股東大會批准的話,新的全球集團名稱將為Fluence Corporation Limited("Fluence")。 Fluence計劃為水處理、污水處理、海水淡化、垃圾發電和水的回收再利用提供一系列產品和服務。合併後的集團將重點關注市政、商業、工礦業、石油和天然氣、電力、食品和飲料行業的主要增長市場。 Fluence的廢水處理解決方案計劃以Emefcy的專利曝氣膜生物反應器("MABR")技術和相關的新技術開發為中心。
預計Fluence將從世界上增長最快的水處理公司之一RWL Water的認可中受益匪淺。 RWL Water在全球70多個國家設計和建造了7,000多個成功的設備,有很多實力雄厚的客戶的背書。
內容關於: Fluence Corporation Ltd
Fluence Corporation (ASX:FLC) (OTCMKTS:EMFGF) is a leader in the decentralized water, wastewater and reuse treatment markets, with its Smart Products Solutions, including Aspiral, NIROBOX, NIROFLEX and SUBRE. Fluence offers an integrated range of services across the complete water cycle, from early stage evaluation, through design and delivery to ongoing support and optimization of water related assets, as well as Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) and other recurring revenue solutions. With established operations in North America, South America, the Middle East, Europe and China, Fluence has experience operating in over 70 countries worldwide and enables businesses and communities worldwide to maximize their water resources.
Further information can be found at https://www.fluencecorp.com/
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