iProperty Group Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

查看其它語言版本 Para Pemegang Saham iProperty Group Ltd (ASX:IPP) Mengundi Menyokong Skim iProperty 集团有限公司 (ASX:IPP)投票赞成并购计划 iProperty Group Ltd (ASX:IPP) ผู้ถือหุ้นออกเสียงเห็นด้วยกับโครงการ iProperty 集團有限公司 (ASX:IPP)投票贊成併購計劃 iProperty Group Ltd (ASX:IPP) Shareholders Vote in Favour of Scheme 

Sydney, 2016年1月28日, AEST (ABN Newswire) - iProperty 集團有限公司(iProperty) (googlechartASX:IPP)公佈,今天投票贊成iProperty及其股東之間的計劃安排的iProperty股東已達到所需人數,該計劃安排的詳細情況在2015年12月14日iProperty 的計劃書有描述。根據這份計劃,REA集團有限公司將通過其新組建的子公司Austin Bidco Pty Ltd收購所有的iProperty已發行普通股 (REA集團旗下的公司未擁有的部分)。


內容關於: iProperty Group Ltd

iProperty Group LtdHeadquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, iProperty Group Ltd (ASX:IPP) is focused on developing and operating leading real estate portals and delivering the most comprehensive set of related real estate services and project marketing across the Region. The Group owns portals which are market leaders in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Hong Kong Region and a leading portal in Singapore. The iProperty Group is continuously working to capitalise on its market-leading positions and the rapidly growing online property advertising market throughout the region.

http://twitter.com/iProperty_com https://www.facebook.com/ipropertymalaysia https://www.linkedin.com/company/308350?trk=cws-btn-overview-0-0 abnnewswire.com 


iProperty Group Ltd
電話: +60 3 2264 6888
WWW: www.iproperty-group.com

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