Perth, 2015年6月29日, AEST (ABN Newswire) - Altech化學有限公司(Altech/公司) (
ASX:ATC) 榮幸宣布其在馬來西亞新山丹絨朗沙工業園開發的4千噸高純氧化鋁(HPA)加工廠及為HPA廠提供原料的相關的西澳麥克瑞高嶺土選礦廠(項目)的銀行融資可行性研究(BFS)的積極結果。
未計利息、稅項、折舊(EBITDA)的滿負荷生產利潤預期為5940萬美元(6600萬澳元),項目的稅前淨現值(NPV) 為3.26億美元(3.62億澳元),折算率10%,以及內部收益率(IRR) 約30.3%。資本回收期為3.8年。
Altech的董事總經理譚伊吉先生說:" BFS比規劃提前三個月完成, 證明了我們BFS團隊的辛勤工作及守諾。"
"BFS的結果證實了公司的信念,麥克瑞高嶺土礦床的獨特品質,與鹽酸工藝相結合,生產出高純度的氧化鋁,是一個技術可行且具有商業吸引力的商業案例——一個潛在的'公司製造者'。若成功融資,開發規劃將於2016年第四季度見到麥克瑞採礦開始", 他總結。
內容關於: Altech Batteries Ltd
Altech Batteries Limited (ASX:ATC) (FRA:A3Y) is a specialty battery technology company that has a joint venture agreement with world leading German battery institute Fraunhofer IKTS ("Fraunhofer") to commercialise the revolutionary CERENERGY(R) Sodium Alumina Solid State (SAS) Battery. CERENERGY(R) batteries are the game-changing alternative to lithium-ion batteries. CERENERGY(R) batteries are fire and explosion-proof; have a life span of more than 15 years and operate in extreme cold and desert climates. The battery technology uses table salt and is lithium-free; cobalt-free; graphite-free; and copper-free, eliminating exposure to critical metal price rises and supply chain concerns.
The joint venture is commercialising its CERENERGY(R) battery, with plans to construct a 100MWh production facility on Altech's land in Saxony, Germany. The facility intends to produce CERENERGY(R) battery modules to provide grid storage solutions to the market.
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