Cleveland Mining Company Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

查看其它語言版本 公司已经开始在Premier 金矿开采 公司已經開始在Premier 金礦開採 
公司已经开始在Premier 金矿开采
公司已经开始在Premier 金矿开采

Sydney, 2012年9月20日, AEST (ABN Newswire) - 2012年9月20號,澳大利亞珀斯電:克利夫蘭礦業有限公司(googlechartASX:CDG)很自豪地宣佈公司已經開始在巴西的Premier 金礦開采了。



克利夫蘭的總經理, 大衛.蒙特羅維茲先生很高興地表示公司已經達到這個重要的階段。



"當我們擴大Premier金礦和建立其他大的礦點的時候, 我們將會更好的定位這些項目。在開礦的初期,除了能夠學習到寶貴的經驗之外,同時也將我們推到了一個非常強大的位置在不久的未來能夠為克利夫蘭礦業公司創造一個可靠穩定的系統。"


內容關於: Cleveland Mining Company Limited

Cleveland Mining Company ASX CDGCleveland Mining Company Ltd (ASX:CDG) is an Australian managed, ASX listed minerals company squarely focused on developing projects into mines. The company's management team have a track record for building successful projects from the ground up, providing Cleveland with the expertise to secure and build robust projects. Mining and production are underway at the Premier Gold Mine located in Crixas, in central Brazil. The company is also working to expand production developing the Lavra prospect, within the O Capitao Project, less than 10km away. Cleveland has a different approach to project selection with project economics driving target selection. Projects are chosen according to their likelihood of generating returns at the bottom of the economic cycle. 


(Cleveland Mining Company Limited)

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