Algae.Tec Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

查看其它語言版本 Algae.Tec(ASX:AEB)将与德国汉莎航空(ETR:LHA)进行海藻航空燃油的评估合作 Algae.Tec(ASX:AEB)將與德國漢莎航空(ETR:LHA)進行海藻航空燃油的評估合作 

Sydney, 2011年12月22日, AEST (ABN Newswire) - Algae.Tec Limited (googlechartASX:AEB) (ETR:GZA) (googlechartPINK:ALGXY)今天表示,公司已與歐洲主要的航空公司德國漢莎航空(ETR:LHA)簽訂了一份諒解備忘錄,將共同評估從Algae.Tec生物反應堆提煉海藻油來生產航空生物燃油的可能性。 Algae.Tec是一家藻類生物燃料公司,擁有高產的封閉式海藻養殖系統,在澳洲珀斯及美國亞特蘭大均設有辦公室。

內容關於: Algae.Tec Limited

Algae.Tec Limited ASX AEBAlgae.Tec Limited (ASX:AEB) (OTCMKTS:ALGXY), founded in 2007, is a specialist algae producer, focused on developing technology that captures waste carbon dioxide to produce commercial quantities of algae for use in the food and fuel sectors.

Algae.Tec has carried out in excess of six years of laboratory, bench-scale and pilot tests and product trials to-date; assessed competitive algae technologies; and has applied the development phase results to detailed engineering evaluations of commercial plant operations. Collectively, these activities have led to the development of unique proprietary technology and know-how for high efficiency production and harvesting of algae.

Algae.Tec's algae technology has demonstrated exceptional performance, providing step-change improvements in productivity, product yield, carbon dioxide sequestration, plant footprint requirements and substantial capital/cost savings versus agricultural crops and other competitive algae processes in the industry.

Algae and its byproducts can be used for many applications including nutraceuticals, personal products such as soap and face cream, protein food sources plus bio-polymers and fuels. 


Susan Fitzpatrick-Napier
澳洲電話: +61-2-8006-0424
美國電話: +1-650-798-5238

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