Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile  Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

查看其它語言版本 FINANCE VIDEO: Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (ASX:LNG) Chief Executive Officer Maurice Brand Presents to Sydney Capital Markets at 财经视频: Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (ASX:LNG)董事总经理Maurice Brand在Investorium.tv向悉尼资本市场发表演讲 財經視頻: Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (ASX:LNG)董事總經理Maurice Brand在Investorium.tv向悉尼資本市場發表演講 

Sydney, 2011年11月15日, (ABN Newswire) - 財經視頻: Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (googlechartASX:LNG)董事總經理Maurice Brand近日在Investorium.tv向悉尼資本市場發表了演講,他介紹瞭如何在中型液化天然氣領域保持市場領先地位,創造具有成本競爭力的優勢來滿足客戶需求。

Maurice Brand是Liquefied Natural Gas Limited的創始人,他也是該公司的董事總經理和首席執行官,公司於2004年9月在澳洲證交所上市。

Liquefied Natural Gas Limited以創新的方式快速進入了液化天然氣市場。該公司將建造中型的液化天然氣工廠,較傳統的大型液化天然氣工廠更具成本競爭優勢。


請從以下鏈接觀看LNG Limited在Investorium.tv上的演講:

內容關於: Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd

Liquefied Natural Gas LimitedLiquefied Natural Gas Limited (ASX:LNG) (OTCMKTS:LNGLY) (LNGL) is an ASX listed company whose portfolio consists of 100% ownership of the following companies:

- Magnolia LNG, LLC (Magnolia LNG), a US-based subsidiary, which is developing an eight mtpa or greater LNG export terminal, in the Port of Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA;

- Bear Head LNG Corporation Inc. (Bear Head LNG), a Canadian based subsidiary, which is developing an 8 mtpa or greater LNG export terminal in Richmond County, Nova Scotia, Canada with potential for further expansion;

- Bear Paw Pipeline Corporation Inc. (Bear Paw), proposing to construct and operate a 62.5 km gas pipeline lateral to connect gas supply to Bear Head LNG; and

- LNG Technology Pty Ltd, a subsidiary which owns and develops the Company’s OSMR(R) LNG liquefaction process, a mid-scale LNG business model that plans to deliver lower capital and operating costs, faster construction, and improved efficiency, relative to larger traditional LNG projects. 


Maurice Brand
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
電話: +618-9366-3700
傳真: +618-9366-3799

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