Environmental Clean Technologies Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile  Investorium.tv Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

查看其它语言版本 FINANCE VIDEO: Environmental Clean Technologies (ASX:ESI) CEO Kos Galtos Presents to the Capital Markets in Sydney 财经视频: Environmental Clean Technologies (ASX:ESI)首席执行官Kos Galtos在悉尼向资本市场发表演讲 財經視頻: Environmental Clean Technologies (ASX:ESI)首席執行官Kos Galtos在悉尼向資本市場發表演講 

Sydney, 2011年8月15日, (ABN Newswire) - Environmental Clean Technologies (googlechartASX:ESI)正对其革命性的技术进行商业推广和销售。这些技术具有改变能源和资源行业游戏规则的潜力,并能带来巨大的环境福祉和商业利益。

首席执行官Kosmas Galtos于8月8日星期一在悉尼向资本市场的分析师、股票经纪人、机构以及投资者发表了演讲。


内容关于 Environmental Clean Technologies Ltd

Environmental Clean Technologies LimitedEnvironmental Clean Technologies Limited (ASX:ECT) is in the business of commercialising leading-edge coal and iron making technologies, which are capable of delivering financial and environmental benefits.

We are focused on advancing a portfolio of technologies, which have significant market potential globally.

ECT's business plan is to pragmatically commercialise these technologies and secure sustainable, profitable income streams through licencing and other commercial mechanisms.

http://www.linkedin.com/company/398938 abnnewswire.com 


Kos Galtos
电话: +61-3-9684-0888
电邮: info@ectltd.com.au

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