Sundance Energy Australia Limited


Sundance Energy Australia Ltd. is an Adelaide-based, independant energy exploration company. Its wholly owned US subsidiary, Sundance Energy, Inc., is located in Boulder, Colorado, USA. Sundance was created for the purpose of acquiring and exploring oil and gas rich acreage in Australia and the United States. Presently the Company owns acreage in the Cooper/Eromanga Basin of Australia totalling approximately 2,500,000 acres (4,000 sq. km.). In addition, Sundance owns oil and gas rights in greater than 8,500 mineral acres in the Arkoma Basin of Oklahoma, and approximately 3,000 mineral acres in the prolific Elm Coulee Bakken shale oil field in Montana. The Oklahoma prospect is focused on shallow, non conventional, blanket gas resevoirs, while the Montana prospect targets over-pressured shale oil resevoirs. The Australian permits are focused on larger, more conventional oil and gas structures. For 2006, Sundance expects to drill a minimum of three wells in Australia and ten wells in the  

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2011년 10월10일 아시아 현장보고서: Carabella Resources (ASX:CLR), 석탄산업 부문 신임 상무이사 임명

🕔10/10/2011 12:00:44 PM 14623

2011년 10월10일 아시아 현장보고서: Carabella Resources (ASX:CLR), 석탄사업 부문의 경영진 전문력 강화를 위해 Anthony Quin를 MD로 영입// Tasman Resources Limited (ASX:TAS), 자사 100% 소유의 탐사 라이선스 4322에서 실시하고 있는 탐사 작업의 가속화를 위한 자금 조달을 목적으로 Rio Tinto Limited (ASX:RIO)과 조건부 계약 체결// Acer Energy Limited (ASX:ACN), Sundance Energy Australia Limited (ASX:SEA)와 조건부 매매계약을 체결하고, 원유 탐사 라이선스 100에 Sundance가 보유하고 있는 광업권 23.33% 인수// Starpharma Holdings Limited (ASX:SPL), VivaGel (R) 세균성 질염 치료를 위한 3단계 임상실험 프로그램과 관련하여 미국 식품의약국(FDA)의 승인 확보

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