Sundance Energy Australia Ltd. is an Adelaide-based, independant energy exploration company. Its wholly owned US subsidiary, Sundance Energy, Inc., is located in Boulder, Colorado, USA. Sundance was created for the purpose of acquiring and exploring oil and gas rich acreage in Australia and the United States. Presently the Company owns acreage in the Cooper/Eromanga Basin of Australia totalling approximately 2,500,000 acres (4,000 sq. km.). In addition, Sundance owns oil and gas rights in greater than 8,500 mineral acres in the Arkoma Basin of Oklahoma, and approximately 3,000 mineral acres in the prolific Elm Coulee Bakken shale oil field in Montana. The Oklahoma prospect is focused on shallow, non conventional, blanket gas resevoirs, while the Montana prospect targets over-pressured shale oil resevoirs. The Australian permits are focused on larger, more conventional oil and gas structures. For 2006, Sundance expects to drill a minimum of three wells in Australia and ten wells in the
Sundance Energy Australia Limited
2011年10月10日亞洲活動報告:Carabella Resources Limited (ASX:CLR)宣布任命經驗豐富的煤炭業高層管理人員Anthony Quin為董事總經理;Tasman Resources Limited (ASX:TAS)已與力拓公司(ASX :RIO)簽訂協議,為加快開發Tasman的全資勘探牌照4322號地區提供資金;Acer Energy Limited (ASX:ACN)已執行一份與Sundance Energy Australia Limited (ASX:SEA)簽署的有條件購銷協議,收購Sundance Energy Australia Limited (ASX:SEA)在南澳庫珀盆地的石油勘探牌照第100號的23.33%的開採權益;Starpharma Holdings Limited (ASX:SPL)已收到美國食品和藥品管理局下達的有關該公司的VivaGel (R)細菌性陰道炎治療方法的第三階段臨床試驗的同意書。
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