Sun Resources NL is an Australian company, which is engaged in oil and gas exploration and investment. The Company operates in two segments: corporate administration and exploration. As of June 30, 2007, the Company participated in the drilling of seven oil and gas wells (six wells on South Texas Project Margarita prospects and one on a development project in the Lake Long Field area in Louisiana) and in a number of work overs and completions. Its exploration and production emphasis is on both oil and gas in conventional geological settings and within conventional reservoirs, principally located in Texas (Flour Bluff Gas Project, Project Margarita and Project Redback on the South Texas Gulf Coast), Louisiana (Lake Long Project) and California (Eagle Oil/Gas Development Project in the San Joaquin Basin). Its subsidiaries include Nieuport Pty Ltd, Sun Resources (New Caledonia) Pty Ltd, Sun Resources (NSW) Pty Ltd and Highland Petroleum Limited.
Sun Resources Nl
2011년 2월25일 호주 시장보고서: Base Resources Limited (ASX:BSE), 케냐 Kwale 광사 프로젝트 JORC 기준 자원 추정치 상향 조정// Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (ASX:LNG), 21km 가스 송유관 건설관련 환경평가 승인 확보// Sun Resources NL (ASX:SUR), 북서 유럽 가스유정 개발과 관련한 계약 순조롭게 진행 중// Venturex Resources Limited (ASX:VXR), 서호주 Panorama 구리/아연 매장지 인수 완료
137,803 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 24) (지난 30일간: 92) (게재 이후: 10325)