Sun Resources Nl


 Sun Resources NL is an Australian company, which is engaged in oil and gas exploration and investment. The Company operates in two segments: corporate administration and exploration. As of June 30, 2007, the Company participated in the drilling of seven oil and gas wells (six wells on South Texas Project Margarita prospects and one on a development project in the Lake Long Field area in Louisiana) and in a number of work overs and completions. Its exploration and production emphasis is on both oil and gas in conventional geological settings and within conventional reservoirs, principally located in Texas (Flour Bluff Gas Project, Project Margarita and Project Redback on the South Texas Gulf Coast), Louisiana (Lake Long Project) and California (Eagle Oil/Gas Development Project in the San Joaquin Basin). Its subsidiaries include Nieuport Pty Ltd, Sun Resources (New Caledonia) Pty Ltd, Sun Resources (NSW) Pty Ltd and Highland Petroleum Limited.  

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Australischer Marktbericht der 25. Februar 2011: Base Resources (ASX:BSE) kündigt 7,18 Millionen Tonnen Ressourcen-Update im Kwale Mineralsande-Projekt in Kenia an

🕔2/25/2011 12:15:00 PM 14185

Australischer Marktbericht der 25. Februar 2011 beinhaltet: Base Resources (ASX:BSE) kündigt eine aktualisierte JORC-Ressourcenschätzung für das Kwale Mineralsande-Projekt in Kenia an; Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (ASX:LNG) hat die Genehmigung erhalten eine 21km lange Pipeline zu errichten; Sun Resources NL (ASX:SUR) ist auf dem Weg eine Farm-In Vereinbarung an einem Conventional Gas-Well in Nordwest-Europa abzuschließen; Venturex Resources Limited (ASX:VXR) hat die Akquisition der Panorama Cu-Zn Lagerstätte in Western Australia abgeschlossen.

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Company Data

  • 4 Bendsten Place
    Balcatta, Western Australia 6021
  • Telephone
  • (08) 9345 4100 
  • Fax
  • (08) 9345 4541 
  • Principal Sector
  • Gas & Öl 
  • Principal Industry
  • Mining & Metals 
  • Homepage