Aurubis AG

FRA:NDA ISIN:DE0006766504

Aurubis AG (ETR:NDA), formerly Norddeutsche Affinerie AG, is a German company engaged in the production of primary copper and precious metals, the recycling of secondary raw materials and the processing of copper into final products. It operates through three business segments: Primary Copper that unifies activities related to the production of marketable copper cathodes from the primary raw material, copper concentrates, as well as the production and marketing of sulfuric acid; Recycling/Precious Metals, engaged in the production of copper cathodes from a variety of recycled raw materials and such by-metals and co-products as gold, silver, platinum and tin, among others, and Copper Products that includes the provision of such copper products as cast wire rod from cathodes, strips, shaped wires and others.As of September 30, 2009, it had 10 wholly owned subsidiaries, three majority owned subsidiaries and three minority owned subsidiaries based in Europe. 

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2010년 9월8일 호주 시장보고서: Coeur (NYSE:CDE), Aurubis (ETR:NDA)와 계약체결

🕔9/8/2010 1:30:37 PM 12893

Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE:CDE) (TSE:CDM) (ASX:CXC)의 오늘 발표에 따르면 100% 자사 소유의 자회사 Coeur Alaska, Inc.가 Aurubis AG (ETR:NDA)와 계약을 맺고 신규 Kensington 금광 정광 처리 및 정련 사업을 맡기기로 했다고 한다. 이번 계약 체결과 관련해 Coeur의 자금관리이사인 Mitchell J. Krebs씨는 “앞서 최근에 있었던 China National Gold Group Corporation과의 계약과 더불어 이번에 체결된 계약으로 일류 제련, 정련업체와의 협력을 통해 Kensingtom의 금 정관 판매가 확보되었습니다. 이 같은 중차대한 협력 관계를 Aurubis와 맺게 된 점을 기쁘게 생각하며 큰 성과가 있을 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.”라고 언급했다.

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