Aurubis AG

FRA:NDA ISIN:DE0006766504

Aurubis AG (ETR:NDA), formerly Norddeutsche Affinerie AG, is a German company engaged in the production of primary copper and precious metals, the recycling of secondary raw materials and the processing of copper into final products. It operates through three business segments: Primary Copper that unifies activities related to the production of marketable copper cathodes from the primary raw material, copper concentrates, as well as the production and marketing of sulfuric acid; Recycling/Precious Metals, engaged in the production of copper cathodes from a variety of recycled raw materials and such by-metals and co-products as gold, silver, platinum and tin, among others, and Copper Products that includes the provision of such copper products as cast wire rod from cathodes, strips, shaped wires and others.As of September 30, 2009, it had 10 wholly owned subsidiaries, three majority owned subsidiaries and three minority owned subsidiaries based in Europe. 



オーストラリア市場レポート 2010年9月8日: Coeur (NYSE:CDE) が Aurubis (ETR:NDA) との契約を示唆

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オーストラリア市場レポート 2010年9月8日: Coeur d'Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) の子会社 Coeur Alaska, Inc. が Aurubis AG (ETR:NDA) と契約を締結。Pacific Brands (ASX:PBG) は 6月30日までの年間純利益5,270万豪ドルという通年利益へと回復。Alexium International (ASX:AJX) は今日、中国の香港特別行政区特許登記所が同社の申請を承認したと発表。Convergent Minerals (ASX:CVG) は Iron Road Ltd (ASX:IRD) からの採鉱権協定により Windarling Peak プロジェクトを取得予定。


89,392 会社概要の閲覧回数

  • 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 21) (過去30日間: 101) (発行以降: 14996) 


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