Spark Infrastructure Group is an Australian utility infrastructure investment company. The Company's portfolio comprises investments in three Australian electricity distribution businesses: ETSA Utilities in South Australia, CitiPower and Powercor in Victoria. It holds a 49% interest in each of CitiPower, Powercor and ETSA Utilities. ETSA Utilities owns South Australia's electricity distribution business, delivering energy to more than 782,000 customers throughout metropolitan areas, including Adelaide. Powercor is an electricity distribution network in Victoria, providing electrical supply to more than 663,000 customers in central and western Victoria, as well as Melbourne's outer suburbs. CitiPower is an electricity distribution network that supplies power to around 296,000 customers throughout the central business district and inner suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria. The Company is jointly managed by Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Limited (CKI) and RREEF Infrastructure (RREEF).
Spark Infrastructure Group
어제 호주 증시는 미 정부가 씨티그룹의 일반주 40%를 소유할 지도 모른다는 소식으로 반등하였음에도 불구하고 하락세로 장을 마감했다. S&P/ASX200 지수는 51.2포인트(1.5%) 하락으로 3351.2를 기록하였고 AO 지수는 48.9포인트(1.5%)가 떨어져 3304.1을 기록했다. 오늘 미 증시 폭락의 영향으로 최저치 갱신이 예상되고 있다.
55,539 회사 소개
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