Spark Infrastructure Group


Spark Infrastructure Group is an Australian utility infrastructure investment company. The Company's portfolio comprises investments in three Australian electricity distribution businesses: ETSA Utilities in South Australia, CitiPower and Powercor in Victoria. It holds a 49% interest in each of CitiPower, Powercor and ETSA Utilities. ETSA Utilities owns South Australia's electricity distribution business, delivering energy to more than 782,000 customers throughout metropolitan areas, including Adelaide. Powercor is an electricity distribution network in Victoria, providing electrical supply to more than 663,000 customers in central and western Victoria, as well as Melbourne's outer suburbs. CitiPower is an electricity distribution network that supplies power to around 296,000 customers throughout the central business district and inner suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria. The Company is jointly managed by Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Limited (CKI) and RREEF Infrastructure (RREEF).  

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Australischen Markt Bericht der 24. Februar: Ein wahrscheinlicher Tiefpunkt

🕔2/24/2009 1:00:46 PM 20203

Gestern hat der australische Markt noch niedriger geschlossen, nach Nachrichten, dass der US-Regierung so viel wie 40% der Aktien der Citigroup besitzen könnte. Der Benchmark S&P/ASX200 Index endete um 1,5% oder 51,2 Punkte auf 3351,2, während die breiteren ALL ORDINARIES Index 1,5% oder 48,9 Punkte auf 3304,1 schloss. Heute werden lokale Bestände voraussichtlich einen neuen niedrigen Niveau erreichen gemäß dem massiven Verlust an der Wall Street.

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Company Data

  • Level 6 , National Australia Bank House , 255 George Street
    SYDNEY NSW 2000
  • Telephone
  • (02) 9086 3600 
  • Fax
  • (02) 9086 3666 
  • Principal Sector
  • Energie 
  • Principal Industry
  • Utilities 
  • Homepage