Shougang Concord International Enterprise Co.

Shougang Concord International Enterprises Company Limited an investment holding company. The Company is organized into six segments: steel manufacturing, shipping operations, electricity generation, steel trading, kitchen and laundry equipment, and others. The steel manufacturing segment manufactures and sells steel products. The shipping operations segment includes vessel chartering and the hiring of floating cranes. The electricity generation segment is engaged in the generation of electricity, steam and hot water. The Company’s steel trading segment is engaged in the trading of steel products. The kitchen and laundry equipment segment is engage in the manufacture and installation of kitchen and laundry equipment. Others includes management services business. 

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2월11일 아시아 시장동향

🕔2/11/2009 3:00:33 PM 19314

오늘 아시아 시장의 주요 지수는 미국발 악재로 타격을 받았다. 어제 아시아 증시는 소폭의 혼조세로 마감했다. 상해증시는 정부의 경기부양책의 영향으로 1.8%의 상승세를 이어갔으며 홍콩 역시 0.8%의 상승세로 마감했다. 일본과 한국증시는 미국 구제안에 대한 시장의 실망감으로 소폭 하락했다.

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