LG Telecom Ltd.
LG Telecom Ltd. specializes in the provision of personal communication services. The Company provides mobile telephone services, operating optical switching and transmission networks; wireless Internet services including emailing, banking and stock information services, character/melody/game download services, shopping, reservation and ticketing services and other entertainment information services; commercial mobile communication services, designed for corporate customers, providing telemetry, mobile credit card payments, mobile banking and office services and logistics/distribution solutions, and mobile commerce services, enabling mobile payments, infrared credit card purchases, stock trading, banking and shopping as well as coupon services. The Company’s headquarters are located in Seoul, Korea.

부실자산을 금융기관에서 분리시키는 새로운 구제안에 대한 기대감으로 미증시가 상승하면서 목요일 아시아 증시 역시 상승세를 탈 가능성이 높다. 니케이평균주가는 미정부의 구제안으로 미증시 분위기가 고조되고 Advantest Corp와 같은 수출업체들이 선전하면서 목요일 1.2%상승하였다
50,464 회사 소개
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