LG Telecom Ltd.

LG Telecom Ltd. specializes in the provision of personal communication services. The Company provides mobile telephone services, operating optical switching and transmission networks; wireless Internet services including emailing, banking and stock information services, character/melody/game download services, shopping, reservation and ticketing services and other entertainment information services; commercial mobile communication services, designed for corporate customers, providing telemetry, mobile credit card payments, mobile banking and office services and logistics/distribution solutions, and mobile commerce services, enabling mobile payments, infrared credit card purchases, stock trading, banking and shopping as well as coupon services. The Company’s headquarters are located in Seoul, Korea. 




🕔1/29/2009 3:49:23 PM 17208

由於美國提出了幫助銀行脫離不良資產的新拯救方案,美國股市在樂觀預期下大漲,亞洲各股市很可能在周四隨之攀升。日圓走弱使Advantest Corp等出口商獲益揚升,在此帶動下,以及在華爾街受到美國政府的救助方案的樂觀預期的推升後,週四日經平均指數上升了1.2%。


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