Forte Energy NL


Forte Energy NL (ASX:FTE) formerly Murchison United NL, is an Australian-based minerals company focused on the exploration, evaluation and development of uranium and energy-related projects worldwide. Its geographic segment includes Australia, Republic of Guinea and Islamic Republic of Mauritania. Forte Energy has secured a portfolio of uranium projects in the Republics of Guinea and Mauritania in West Africa, where it is pursuing intensive exploration programs. As of June 30, 2009, it was focused on exploration licenses in West Africa in the Republic of Guinea and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The Company also has two copper/cobalt projects in Australia: the Millenium leases in the Cloncurry area in Queensland and its 50% join venture interest in the Maroochydore Copper Project, operated by Aditya Birla Minerals Ltd, near Telfer in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. 



オーストラリア市場レポート 2010年12月22日: Metminco (ASX:MNC) はペルーでの銅・モリブデン掘削を開始

🕔12/22/2010 1:30:00 PM 9068

オーストラリア市場レポート 2010年12月22日: Metminco Limited (ASX:MNC) はペルー南部の Los Calatos 銅・モリブデンプロジェクトにおいて5万メートルのダイアモンド掘削プログラムを開始。 Ausgold Limited (ASX:AUC) は Boddington South 金プロジェクトからの更に重要な分析結果を発表。 Synergy Metals Limited (ASX:SML) は Northwest Nonferrous International Investment Company Limited との間で法的拘束力のない覚書を締結。 Forte Energy NL (ASX:FTE) はギニアでのレアアース元素の追加分析結果を発表。


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  • 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 25) (過去30日間: 74) (発行以降: 7175) 
