Forte Energy NL


Forte Energy NL (ASX:FTE) formerly Murchison United NL, is an Australian-based minerals company focused on the exploration, evaluation and development of uranium and energy-related projects worldwide. Its geographic segment includes Australia, Republic of Guinea and Islamic Republic of Mauritania. Forte Energy has secured a portfolio of uranium projects in the Republics of Guinea and Mauritania in West Africa, where it is pursuing intensive exploration programs. As of June 30, 2009, it was focused on exploration licenses in West Africa in the Republic of Guinea and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The Company also has two copper/cobalt projects in Australia: the Millenium leases in the Cloncurry area in Queensland and its 50% join venture interest in the Maroochydore Copper Project, operated by Aditya Birla Minerals Ltd, near Telfer in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. 

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Australischer Marktbericht, 22. Dezember 2010: Metminco (ASX:MNC) beginnt Kupfer- und Molybdän-Bohrungen in Peru

🕔12/22/2010 1:30:00 PM 10408

Australischer Marktbericht, 22. Dezember 2010 beinhaltet: Metminco Limited (ASX:MNC) beginnt 50.000 Meter Diamantbohrungen im Rahmen des Los Calatos Kupfer/Molybdän Projekt im südlichen Peru; Ausgold Limited (ASX:AUC) hat signifikante Probenergebnisse aus dem Boddington South Gold Projekt angekündigt; Synergy Metals Limited (ASX:SML) hat eine rechtlich nicht bindende Absichtserklärung mit Northwest Nonferrous Internation Investment Company Limited; Forte Energy NL (ASX:FTE) hat weitere seltene Erdmetall Probenresultate in Guinea angekündigt.

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