FLEX LNG Limited (OSL:FLNG) is an innovative company founded with the purpose of bringing LNG production offshore by commercialising the world’s first floating LNG production units (FLNG). The LNG industry has been constrained by slow development of new supply due to delays in onshore developments resulting from escalating engineering, procurement and construction costs as well as political uncertainty. FLEX LNG has four units on order from Samsung Heavy Industries in Korea.
FLEX LNG Limited
オーストラリア市場レポート 2010年9月27日:Metgasco Limited (ASX:MEL) が水上液化天然ガス (LNG) プロジェクトを検討し実現可能性調査を開始。 Tap Oil Limited (ASX:TAP) は昨日ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国 Block M の陸上探査井 Markisa-1 を発表。 Centaurus Metals Limited (ASX:CTM) は力強い掘削結果に続き初回 Jambreiro 資源に向け順調に進んでいると報告。 United Uranium Limited (ASX:UUL) は Shandong No.1 Institute of Geology and Minerals Exploration ("SDGM") と条件規定書を締結。
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