FLEX LNG Limited (OSL:FLNG) is an innovative company founded with the purpose of bringing LNG production offshore by commercialising the world’s first floating LNG production units (FLNG). The LNG industry has been constrained by slow development of new supply due to delays in onshore developments resulting from escalating engineering, procurement and construction costs as well as political uncertainty. FLEX LNG has four units on order from Samsung Heavy Industries in Korea.
FLEX LNG Limited
2010年9月27日澳洲股市報告包括:Metgasco Limited (ASX:MEL)考慮浮式液化天然氣項目並開始可行性研究;Tap Oil Limited (ASX:TAP)公佈,昨天在文萊達魯薩蘭的區塊M鑽陸上勘探井Markisa-1;Centaurus Metals Limited (ASX:CTM)報告稱,繼獲得很好鑽探結果後,正在穩步邁向取得Jambreiro初始資源量的目標;United Uranium Limited (ASX:UUL )已經與山東省第一地質礦產勘查院簽署了一份條款清單。
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