Beadell Resources Limited
The Company has assembled a highly experienced team to manage Beadell and steer it towards rapid growth by means of successful exploration and expansion programs. Beadell is managed by three of the former members of the executive team from Agincourt which was recently taken over by Oxiana. Management is ably supported by geologists who have already commenced employment with the Company. This team has the proven technical, operational and financial skills in relation to the discovery, exploration and development of mineral deposits that will elevate Beadell as an emerging ASX-listed gold company.
Le rapport du marché australien en date du 23 mars 2011 inclut les titres suivants: Gryphon Minerals Limited (ASX:GRY) a annoncé de nouveaux résultats de forage pour son projet aurifère Banfora au Burkina Faso; Beadell Resources Limited (ASX:BDR) a annoncé de nouveaux résultats très probants pour son projet aurifère Tucano au Brésil; Clancy Exploration Limited (ASX:CLY) a recoupé une minéralisation à haute teneur en or, argent et métal de base sur le projet Condobolin au centre de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud (Australie); Blackthorn Resources Limited (ASX:BTR) lève 10 millions AUD pour financer ses projets d'exploitation d'or et de zinc au Burkina Faso.
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