Beadell Resources Limited


Beadell Resources Limited was incorporated in May 2007 to acquire mineral interests throughout Australia and Brazil, with an emphasis on gold. The Tartaruga Project in Brazil contains gold exploration assets which have the potential for early development.

The Company has assembled a highly experienced team to manage Beadell and steer it towards rapid growth by means of successful exploration and expansion programs. Beadell is managed by three of the former members of the executive team from Agincourt which was recently taken over by Oxiana. Management is ably supported by geologists who have already commenced employment with the Company. This team has the proven technical, operational and financial skills in relation to the discovery, exploration and development of mineral deposits that will elevate Beadell as an emerging ASX-listed gold company. 



2011年8月29日亞洲活動報告:Beadell Resources (ASX:BDR)公佈巴西2.09億鐵礦石初始資源量

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2011年8月29日亞洲活動報告:Beadell Resources Limited (ASX:BDR)公佈巴西Tap Norte帶狀鐵建蘊藏2.091億噸鐵品位36.1%的初始JORC鐵礦石資源;中國雲銅澳大利亞有限公司( ASX:CYU)和Goldsearch Limited (ASX:GSE)已在昆士蘭Elaine銅-稀土元素-鈷-金地帶開始一項總進尺6,050米的鑽探作業;Alacer Gold Corp (ASX:AQG)宣布,其持有95 %股份的土耳Çöpler金礦2011年8月24日生產出了100,000盎司黃金;澳洲基礎金屬勘探企業Ventnor Resources (ASX:VRX)證實,在西澳Thaduna/Green Dragon銅礦項目實施的第二階段鑽探發現重要連續銅礦化。


2011年5月10日亞洲活動報告:BKM Management (ASX:BKM) 將收購西澳鉀礦和稀土項目

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2011年5月10日亞洲活動報告:BKM Management Limited (ASX:BKM) 已簽署一份投資協議,收購ORD River Diamonds Pty Ltd的30%權益;Catalyst Metals Limited (ASX:CYL) 報告維多利亞省中部Four Eagles金礦項目鑽高品位金礦化;Centrex Metals Limited (ASX:CXM) 宣布南澳Bungalow礦床的磁鐵礦初始推斷資源量為1.03億噸;Beadell Resources Limited (ASX:BDR) 宣布其100%擁有的巴西Tucano金礦項目的最終可行性研究結果。


2011年3月23日澳洲股市:Gryphon Minerals Limited (ASX:GRY)報告布基納法索Banfora金礦項目更多鑽探結果

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2011年3月23日澳洲股市:Gryphon Minerals Limited (ASX:GRY)報告布基納法索Banfora金礦項目更多鑽探結果;Beadell ResourcesLimited (ASX:BDR)公佈巴西Tucano金礦項目更多重大鑽探結果;Clancy Exploration Limited (ASX:CLY)新南威爾士州中部的Condobolin項目鑽遇高品位金、銀和基礎金屬礦化;Blackthorn Resources Limited (ASX:BTR)籌資1000萬澳元為布基納法索的金礦和鋅礦項目提供資金。


2011年1月5日澳洲股市:Beadell Resources (ASX:BDR)公佈西澳重大高品位黃金發現

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2011年1月5日澳洲股市:Beadell Resources (ASX:BDR)公佈西澳重大高品位黃金發現;Jacka Resources Limited (ASX:JKA)在突尼斯的第一口井開鑽;Aurora Minerals Limited (ASX:ARM)已收到Capricorn Southeast錳項目鑽探結果;Ord River Resources Limited (ASX:ORD)將在一月完成老撾鋁土礦項目可行性研究的Yuqida鑽探作業。


2010年11月5日澳洲股市:Sundance Resources(ASX:SDL)委託中信證券(SHA:600030)為西非鐵礦石項目在中國融資

🕔11/5/2010 1:30:00 PM 13899

2010年11月5日澳洲股市:Sundance Resources (ASX:SDL)委任中信證券(SHA:600030)協助獲得借貸和股權融資; Orocobre Limited (ASX:ORE)開始阿根廷西北部的Salinas Grandes鋰鉀肥項目的首次鑽探作業;Beadell Resources Limited (ASX:BDR)報告巴西Urucum金礦的高品位結果;Horseshoe Metals Limited (ASX:HOR)公佈西澳Horseshoe Lights銅金礦項目更多積極鑽探結果。


Beadell (ASX:BDR)向Anglo Pacific (LON:APF)(TSE:APY)出售鐵礦石礦區土地使用費,作價3100萬澳元

🕔9/23/2010 10:40:41 AM 9144

黃金勘探企業Beadell Resources Limited (ASX:BDR)表示,已同意將Amapa鐵礦石使用費出售給全球自然資源使用費公司Anglo Pacific Group (LON:APF)(TSE:APY),作價3125萬澳元現金。


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