Studsvik AB
STO:SVIK ISIN:SE0000653230
Studsvik AB (STO:SVIK) The modernization of reactor 3 at the Oskarshamn plant will mean the replacement of a large number of metal components. Studsvik has agreed with the owner OKG to treat 1,400 tonnes of metallic waste for a total of SEK 28 million.
Studsvik AB (STO:SVIK) For the Annual General Meeting 2009 the Nomination Committee for Studsvik is composed of the following members:
Studsvik AB (STO:SVIK) * Profit for the period January-September was SEK 20.7 million (46.8). Adjusted for non-recurring items, the profit was substantially unchanged. * Positive earnings trend for most segments during the quarter. * Poor performance in the US due to temporary closure of the Erwin facility. The facility will be brought back into operation towards the end of the fourth quarter. * The consulting company ALARA Engineering AB was acquired after the close of the reporting period.
Studsvik AB (STO:SVIK) Studsvik AB presents its interim report for the third quarter 2008 and hereby invites media and analysts to a conference call held in English, Wednesday, October 29 at 3:30 pm CET. Studsvik's interim report for the third quarter 2008 will be distributed at approximately 1:00 pm, October 29. As of this time, the report will also be available at www.studsvik.com.
Studsvik AB (STO:SVIK) Studsvik has acquired ALARA Engineering AB. ALARA is a nuclear engineering consultancy with customers in the Swedish and Finnish nuclear industry. The acquisition supplements Studsvik's consulting operations and provides new growth opportunities.
Studsvik AB +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |April-June|April-June|Jan-June|Jan-June|Full year| | | 2008| 2007| 2008| 2007| 2007| |-----------------------+----------+----------+--------+--------+---------| |Net sales, SEK million | 370.6| 345.8| 690.6| 619.0| 1,314.7| | | | | | | | |-----------------------+----------+----------+--------+--------+---------| |Operating profit, SEK | 32.1| 15.8| 25.1| 38.0| 62.1| |million | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------+----------+----------+--------+--------+---------| |Profit after tax, SEK | 19.1| 7.4| 12.1| 29.6| 47.2| |million | | | | | | ...
Studsvik AB Studsvik AB presents its interim report for the second quarter 2008 and hereby invites media and analysts to a conference call held in English, Tuesday, July 22 at 3:00 pm CET. Studsvik's interim report for the second quarter 2008 will be distributed at approximately 1:00 pm, July 22. As of this time, the report will also be available at www.studsvik.com.
Studsvik AB Studsvik has received an order for the treatment and metal recycling of three steam generators. The customer is Vattenfall Ringhals and the order is received under the existing Memorandum of Understanding concerning treatment of large components signed in 2006. The steam generators are planned to be delivered to Studsvik during fall 2008 and the treatment is planned to start during the first quarter 2009. The contract value is SEK 34 million.
Studsvik AB Studsvik is making a number of changes in senior management on July 1. The measures are in line with the market-oriented segment organization introduced at the beginning of the year. All executives concerned come from other positions in Studsvik.
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