Integra Mining Limited
Asian Activities Report for September 28, 2011 includes: Fletcher Building Limited (ASX:FBU) said today that Iplex Pipelines has been awarded a A$120 million contract for the supply of polyethylene pipe; Integra Mining Limited (ASX:IGR) reported aircore drilling results from reconnaissance drilling in the Mt Monger area; African Iron Limited (ASX:AKI) provides an update on drilling activities at its 92%-owned Mayoko iron ore project in the Republic of Congo; Alchemia Limited (ASX:ACL) said today that its leading cancer product HA-Irinotecan has received very promising trial results; Tata Communications (BOM:500483) has become one of the few global carriers to extend its Global IP/VPN service offerings into Pakistan.
Asian Activities Report for September 7, 2011 includes: AnaeCo Limited (ASX:ANQ) has formed a joint venture company for the deployment of the DiCOM(TM) System in Asia; Integra Mining Limited (ASX:IGR) says today that the first month of production following the Randalls Gold Project processing facility upgrade has exceeded expectations; Krucible Metals Limited (ASX:KRB) has received drilling results at the Korella Phosphate and Rare Earth Project in Queensland; ZYL Limited (ASX:ZYL) announced the interim results of the Bankable Feasibility Study at the Kangwane Anthracite Project; Suven Life Sciences Limited (BOM:530239) announces the grant of four product patents from Australia and New Zealand.
Asian Activities Report for June 10, 2011 includes: Integra Mining Limited's (ASX:IGR) Randalls Gold Project in Western Australia achieved record monthly gold production in May; Hastings Rare Metals Limited (ASX:HAS) has commenced a drilling program at the Hastings Rare Metal and Rare Earth Project in Western Australia; WPG Resources Limited (ASX:WPG) and Evergreen Energy Inc. (NYSE:EEE) have signed joint venture agreements to develop and produce K-Fuel(R) throughout Australia; Golden Rim Resources Limited (ASX:GMR) has commenced the second phase of gold-copper drilling on its Balogo Project in Burkina Faso.
Australian Market Report of January 25, 2011 includes: Hunnu Coal Limited (ASX:HUN) has acquired a further 15% interest in the Unst Khudag Coal Mine and surrounding licenses in Mongolia; Integra Mining Limited (ASX:IGR) has completed Mineral Resources estimations for a number of new gold deposits; Enterprise Metals Limited (ASX:ENT) has received assay results at Burracoppin Iron Project in Western Australia; IMX Resources Limited (ASX:IXR) reported more high grade nickel sulphides in Tanzania.
Australian Market Report of December 21, 2010 includes: Metals X Limited (ASX:MLX) has commenced copper and silver production at the Renison Tin Project in Tasmania; Regis Resources Limited (ASX:RRL) announced maiden gold reserve of 1.34 million ounces; MediVac Limited (ASX:MDV) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for export order of 25-30 MetaMizers to Sri Lanka; Integra Mining Limited (ASX:IGR) announced copper-gold mineralisation discovered in Western Australia.
Emerging gold producer Integra Mining Limited ("Integra") (ASX:IGR) is pleased to report the Company has entered into Farm-in and Joint Venture Agreements with Image Resources NL ("Image") (ASX:IMA) on two tenements along strike of Integra's Aldiss Gold Project located some 130 kilometres east of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia.
The Australian 2008 National Mining Awards recognise the globally competitive Australian mining sector.
Integra Mining Limited (ASX: IGR) - Paydirt Gold Conference Presentation - Mr Chris Cairns, MD; Boardroomradio is pleased to announce that Integra Mining Limited (ASX: IGR) has published an audio file.
INTEGRA MINING LIMITED AMEC Company Presentation - Mr Chris Cairns, Managing Director; Boardroomradio is pleased to announce that INTEGRA MINING LIMITED (ASX: IGR) has published an audio file. The fol
Preliminary results from a pre-feasibility study have confirmed a four year mine life producing between 80,000-120,000 ounces a year for the emerging Aldiss-Randalls Gold Project, 130 kilometres east of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia.
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