Tata Communications Limited, formerly Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited, is primarily engaged in the communications solutions business globally. The Company is a facilities-based provider of a range of integrated communications services. The Company derives a substantial portion of its revenue from telecommunications carriers, including for the delivery of international calls to over 240 countries (greater than 1,000 destinations), including India. The Company shares these revenues with respective carriers / access providers in the destination country. The Company is a global communications company offering voice, data and value-added services to enterprises, carriers and retail consumers. The Company is a provider of wholesale international voice services and operates a global submarine cable networks. The Company operates in three business segments: Wholesale Voice, Enterprise and Carrier Data, and Others.
Tata Communications Limited
2011年9月28日亞洲活動報告:Fletcher Building (ASX:FBU)今天表示Iplex Pipelines已獲得一份1.2億澳元的合同;Integra Mining Limited (ASX:IGR)報告在Mt Monger地區實施地質普查鑽探獲得的空氣芯鑽探結果;African IronLimited (ASX:AKI)報告在其擁有92%權益的剛果共和國Mayoko鐵礦石項目的鑽探活動最新進展;Alchemia Limited (ASX:ACL)今天表示其領先的癌症產品HA- Irinotecan的試驗結果大有希望;塔塔電信(BOM:500483)已成為為數不多的幾家向巴基斯坦提供全球IP/VPN服務的國際電信商之一。
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