NEC Electronics
TYO:6723 ISIN:JP3164720009
NEC Electronics Corporation (TSE: 6723) specializes in semiconductor products encompassing advanced technology solutions for the high-end computing and broadband networking markets, system solutions for the mobile handsets, PC peripherals, automotive and digital consumer markets, and platform solutions for a wide range of customer applications. NEC Electronics Corporation has 26 subsidiaries worldwide including NEC Electronics America, Inc. (www.necelam.com) and NEC Electronics (Europe) GmbH (www.ee.nec.de).
日本媒體稱,瑞薩科技(Renesas Technology)和NEC電子公司(TYO:6723)或將從母公司那裡獲得共計2000億日元的財務援助,以便進行合併。
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