Singapore Airlines Ltd.
SIN:C6L ISIN:SG1V61937297
Singapore Airlines Limited, along with its subsidiaries, is engaged in passenger and cargo air transportation, airport terminal services, engineering services, training of pilots, air charters and tour wholesaling and related activities. As of March 31, 2008, the Company, along with its subsidiaries, operated a fleet 126 aircraft, which includes 112 passenger aircraft and 14 freighters. 98 and 14 of the passenger aircraft were operated by Singapore Airlines and its subsidiary, SilkAir (Singapore) Private limited (SilkAir) respectively. The freighter fleet of Singapore Airlines Cargo, as at 31 March 2008, comprised 14 B747-400 freighters, with an average age of seven years and four months. SilkAir’s fleet, as at 31 March 2008, comprised eight Airbus A320s and six Airbus A319s, with an average age of five years and six months. As of March 31, 2008, the Airline operated 726 weekly flights to 65 destinations in 36 countries.

2011年12月1日亞洲活動報告:朝日集團(TYO:2502)已有條件同意收購生產高質量礦泉水的澳洲瓶裝水公司Mountain H2O Pty Ltd;龍源電力集團股份有限公司(HKG:0916)已收到政府批准,將建造49.5兆瓦的陝西秦嶺觀日颱風電項目;維珍藍航空公司(ASX:VBA)和新加坡航空公司(SIN:C6L)將結成並網航空聯盟;Nufarm Limited (ASX :NUF)已完成收購美國向日葵種子研究和生產公司Seeds 2000, Inc.。
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