Arch Coal, Inc.
NYSE:ACI ISIN:US0393801008
Arch Coal, Inc. is a coal producer in the United States. The Company has three business segments: the Powder River Basin, the Western Bituminous region and the Central Appalachia region. During the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company operated 20 active mines located in each of the low-sulfur coal-producing regions of the United States. Arch Coal, Inc. sells substantially all of its coal to power plants, steel mills and industrial facilities. During 2008, the Company sold approximately 139.6 million tons of coal, including approximately 6.1 million tons of coal it purchased from third parties, fueling approximately 6% of all electricity generated in the United States.

昨天澳洲市场收市略涨。据CMC Markets,尽管银行和金融板块下跌,但必和必拓和力拓等大矿业公司的股票推动市场上涨。基本指数S&P/ASX200 上涨9点,或0.29%,报3154.5点。综合指数上涨10点,报3121.7点。今天在大宗商品价格回落、美国市场缺乏正面消息的情况下,大矿业股不大可能推升市场了。
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