Compliance Energy Corp.

Compliance Energy Corporation (Compliance) is a Canadian power company engaged in the development of a 56 megawatt green power project located near Princeton, British Columbia, Canada. The Company also has coal resources that it is exploring on Vancouver Island. The Basin Coal Mine is 100% owned by Compliance and is Compliance has the right to develop and mine the coal from nine coal licenses covering 8,295 acres. It has the right to purchase 100% of the Raven Metallurgical Coal Project located on Vancouver Island. The Bear Metallurgical Coal Project is 100% owned by Compliance and it has the right to develop and mine the coal from seven coal licenses covering 4,325 acres. During the year ended December 31, 2007, the Company entered into an amended agreement to acquire coal rights that cover approximately 82,000 acres on Vancouver Island, including 100% of the Raven Coal Deposit. 




🕔2/13/2009 1:00:29 PM 20203

昨天市场在等待债务重负下的力拓公司宣布与中国企业中铝达成300亿澳元的交易,澳洲股市在这种期待中收涨。基本指数S&P/ASX200 上涨39.9点,或1.15%,报3514.3点;综合指数涨40.4点,或1.18%,报3458.5点。今天投资者还将关注政府的420亿澳元的经济刺激计划,在政府的第一个提案被参议院否决之后,国会将讨论政府提出的新版本计划。


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