Compliance Energy Corp.

Compliance Energy Corporation (Compliance) is a Canadian power company engaged in the development of a 56 megawatt green power project located near Princeton, British Columbia, Canada. The Company also has coal resources that it is exploring on Vancouver Island. The Basin Coal Mine is 100% owned by Compliance and is Compliance has the right to develop and mine the coal from nine coal licenses covering 8,295 acres. It has the right to purchase 100% of the Raven Metallurgical Coal Project located on Vancouver Island. The Bear Metallurgical Coal Project is 100% owned by Compliance and it has the right to develop and mine the coal from seven coal licenses covering 4,325 acres. During the year ended December 31, 2007, the Company entered into an amended agreement to acquire coal rights that cover approximately 82,000 acres on Vancouver Island, including 100% of the Raven Coal Deposit. 

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2월13일 호주 시장보고서: 미국 및 호주 경기부양책에 대한 우려

🕔2/13/2009 1:00:29 PM 15178

어제 호주 증시는 높은 부채부담을 안고 있던 Rio Tinto와 중국 제철기업 Chinalco간의 300억 달러(A$)규모의 협약체결에 대한 기대감으로 상승세로 마감했다. S&P/ASX200은 39.9포인트(1.15%)가 상승한 3,514.3를 기록했고, AO지수는 40.4포인트 (1.18%)가 상승하여 3,458.5를 기록했다. 정부의 첫번째 경기부양안이 호주 상원에서 거부된 후, 의회에서 새 경기부양안을 놓고 논의할 예정임에 따라 투자자들은 420억 달러(A$)규모의 경기부양책 진행 추이에 주목하고 있다.

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