Thomson Resources Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile
Annual Report to shareholders
Annual Report to shareholders

Sydney, Sep 26, 2019 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Thomson Resources Ltd (googlechartASX:TMZ) made good progress at its more advanced projects with successful drilling campaigns at Bygoo Tin and Harry Smith Gold in NSW. Further drilling campaigns are planned to follow up these good results.

At Bygoo the target was a newly discovered second greisen that runs perpendicular and at a shallower depth than the Main Zone drilled from 2015 to 2018. The two greisens intersect under the old Dumbrells shallow pit. The new "Dumbrells" greisen was delineated for more than 200m in length with ten holes for 762m and is open in both directions. The average intercept (calculated from 8 holes) was 11m at 0.4% Sn from 29m depth (see Thomson's ASX release of 7 January 2019).

Regionally, a new area of tin lodes at Big Bygoo was drilled with fifteen holes for 1036m - all four lodes drilled returned significant tin values, with a standout intercept of 24m at 0.6% Sn from a depth of 46m at the Titanic lode (see Thomson's ASX release of 7 January 2019).

New modelling showed the potential for both the Main and Dumbrells Zones to extend significantly along strike and down dip. In particular the N-S Dumbrells zone may extend through the Smiths old tin workings towards the Big Bygoo area 1.5km to the south, an area with little or no previous testing.

The Bygoo Farm in with BeiSur OstBarat Agency Ltd. expired on June 30th, 2019, meaning that the project reverts 100% to Thomson Resources. Negotiations are continuing over possible future participation of BeiSur in the Bygoo Project.

Harry Smith Gold

Nine holes for 833m were drilled at the Harry Smith project with outstanding results from the two holes drilled on the Silver Spray lode, 130m south of the Golden Spray workings drilled earlier last year. Hole HSRC008 intercepted 49m at 0.8 g/t Au from 30m depth, while HSRC009, drilled 30m to the west, intercepted 17m at 5.2 g/t Au from 38m depth, including 9m at 9.2 g/t Au from 38m.

Regionally, an XRF and rock chip survey revealed promising surface gold at the Old Gladstone workings, two lines of shallow pits and shafts 4km east of Harry Smith.

Chillagoe Gold

Thomson applied for EPM application 27186 which covers 72 square km in the Chillagoe area of North Queensland. The area is prospective for intrusion-related gold and the EPM features several prospects with strong surface gold and limited or no drilling.

Tenement Holdings and Joint Ventures

Thomson holds 7 Exploration Licenses in NSW covering 676 square kilometres, after three ELs were relinquished during the quarter. A joint venture arrangement is in place over Havilah (EL 7391) with Silver Mines Ltd (googlechartASX:SVL). Thomson also holds EPM 27186 in Queensland as described above.

To view the Annual Report, please visit:

About Thomson Resources Ltd

Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ)Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) is an NSW active mineral explorer. Thomson has several tin projects (including an advanced project near Ardlethan), as well as gold, copper and zinc targets in a range of settings. Thomson has a good record of discovery, with multiple new Intrusion-Related Gold (gold with copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, tungsten) systems discovered in the Thomson Fold Belt in the NW of the state. 


Thomson Resources Ltd
T: +61-2-9906-6225

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