Havilah Resources Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

Sydney, Mar 24, 2017 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Havilah Resources Ltd (googlechartASX:HAV) is pleased to provide an accompanying video to the Company's Quarterly Activities Report for the period ending 31 January, 2017.


- Portia Gold Mine sales exceed 20,000 ounces, debt fully repaid and gold hedges closed out.

- Approvals received for 120 metre south wall cutback that will potentially extend Portia mining operations by a further 12 months.

- New scrubber procured, which eliminates a bottleneck to significantly increase ore throughput.

- Havilah actively pursuing development options for its Kalkaroo copper-gold and Mutooroo copper-cobalt projects in light of the favourable outlook for copper and cobalt.

- New government supported exploration drilling programs commenced on high potential copper and gold targets in the Benagerie dome and tin targets at Prospect Hill.

To view the video, please visit:

About Havilah Resources Ltd

Havilah Resources LtdHavilah Resources Ltd (ASX:HAV) is a debt free South Australian gold producer having recently financed and developed its first gold mine at Portia in north-eastern South Australia. It plans to follow on with three copper-gold-cobalt mining developments at North Portia, Kalkaroo and Mutooroo, which are underpinned by a JORC resources mineral inventory of over 1.4 million tonnes of copper, 3.6 million ounces of gold, and 18,000 tonnes of cobalt.

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Dr Chris Giles
Managing Director
Havilah Resources Ltd
T: +61-8-8338-9292
F: +61-8-8338-9293
E: info@havilah-resources.com.au
WWW: www.havilah-resources.com.au

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