Emmerson Resources Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

Perth, Nov 30, 2016 AEST (ABN Newswire) - FINANCE VIDEO: Emmerson Resources (googlechartASX:ERM) (googlechartEMMRF:OTCMKTS) MD Rob Bills Talks High Grade Gold on Big Review TV.

The company announced the first assays from the 6,500m drilling campaign currently underway at their Edna Beryl project in the Northern Territory of Australia (Figure 1, table 1 and 2 in link below).

The RC results from this ongoing drilling are 1m samples and support the previous gold intersections from Campaign 1 and 2 at Edna Beryl (ASX 2 August 2016) which include:

o 5m at 35.6g/t gold from 120m (EBWRC012) including;

- 3m at 44.5g/t gold

- 1m at 77.6g/t gold

o 2m at 30.1g/t gold from 128m (EBWRC015)

o 3m at 9.10g/t gold from 136m (EBWRC018) including;

- 1m at 24.4g/t gold

o 2m at 7.28g/t gold from 142m (EBWRC018) including;

- 1m at 12.5g/t gold

o 3m at 36.6g/t gold from 227m (EBWRC025) including;

- 1m at 65.6 g/t gold and

- 1m at 31.8 g/t gold

o 3m at 9.28g/t gold from 170m (EBWRC026) including;

- 1m at 13.2 g/t gold

This drilling continues to further the geological and structural understanding at Edna Beryl, particularly in drill hole EBWRC041 which is the first indication of bonanza gold within ironstone 3 (figure 2 in link below). This opens up potential in all directions for further shallow high grade gold, not only in ironstone 3 but also repetitions further to the north (for example the recently intersected ironstone 4). Particularly as this intersection is only 130m below the surface but with good potential above in the supergene zone where often there is substantial enrichment of the gold.

Similarly the first diamond drill hole (EBWDD031) has intersected 6m of brecciated hematite-chlorite in ironstone 1 (formerly called EB Deeps) that contains visible gold on fractures from 247m. The free gold occurs as isolated fine grains associated with hematite and chlorite. Locally minor pyritechalcopyrite occurs in the chlorite - note assays are pending (table 2 in link below).

These new intersections are consistent with numerous shallow, sub-parallel ironstones associated with steeply dipping shear zones (ironstones 2, 3 & 4) that coalesce into a master shear at depth (ironstone 1) - some 160m below the surface (figure 2 in link below). The extent of mineralisation within any one ironstone is yet to be ascertained however continuation of the high-grade gold across many of these ironstones augers well for substantially adding to the existing JORC resources within our 100% owned Tennant Creek project in the Northern Territory.

The nature of the high grade gold mineralisation at Edna Beryl is very typical of the Tennant Creek Mineral Field however, this style of predominantly hematite associated gold has gone virtually undetected by previous explorers. This is Emmerson's third discovery of this style and opens up the entire field to a new generation of deposits that are hosted by non to weakly magnetic hematite ironstones.

Managing Director of Emmerson Resources Rob Bills commented: "This intersection of 8m at 157g/t gold is the best drill result in the history of Emmerson's drilling at Tennant Creek. It not only augers well for the Edna Beryl project but is analogous to high grade results seen in some of the famous historical mines that Tennant Creek is renown - as one of Australia's highest grade goldfields.

Interestingly this particular assay is our first ore grade intercept in ironstone 3, which now opens up additional potential for shallow high grade gold, being only 130m below the surface and with excellent potential above, below and along strike.

Similarly the first diamond drill hole at Edna Beryl by Emmerson (EBWDD031) has intersected visible gold and copper - confirming the down plunge continuation of the main Edna Beryl mineralisation.

This intercept highlights the deeper potential of ironstone 1 which remains open in all directions and is the subject of our current 6,500m drill program."

Once the RC program is completed at Edna Beryl, the rig will move across to the Susan prospect to test extensions to some of the better historical drill holes (including SSRB04 - 9m at 9.12g/t gold, SSRB05 - 11m at 19.5g/t gold and SSRB07-10m at 8.0g/t gold) (figure 3 in link below).

The last prospect for drill testing in this campaign is at a newly generated green fields target called Retsina - an analogous structural setting to Edna Beryl (figure 1). Of interest at Retsina is the presence of brecciated hematite ironstone at surface which returned a "near ore" geochemical signature - whilst it is early days in terms of testing the efficacy of this proprietary geochemical discriminant tool, the data so far indicates the possibility of distinguishing barren from gold fertile hematite ironstones. If successful, this technique will greatly increase our success rate in discovering this new generation of hematite hosted gold deposits.

To view the video with Rob Bills, please visit:

To view tables and figures, please visit:

Video Provided by BigReviewTV http://www.bigreviewtv.com

About Emmerson Resources Limited


Emmerson Resources Limited (ASX:ERM) (FRA:42E) recently commenced exploration on new gold-copper projects in NSW, identified (with our strategic alliance partner Kenex Limited) from the application of 2D and 3D predictive targeting models – aimed at increasing the probability of discovery. The highly prospective Macquarie Arc in NSW hosts >80Mozs gold and >13Mt copper with these resources heavily weighted to areas of outcrop or limited cover. Emmerson's five exploration projects contain many attributes of the known deposits within the Macquarie Arc but remain under explored due to historical impediments, including an overlying cover (plus farmlands) and a lack of exploration focus. Kadungle is a JV with Aurelia Metals covering 43km2 adjacent to Emmerson's Fifield project.

In addition, Emmerson is exploring the Tennant Creek Mineral Field (TCMF), one of Australia's highest-grade gold and copper fields producing over 5.5 Mozs of gold and 470,000 tonnes of copper from deposits including Warrego, White Devil, Orlando, Gecko, Chariot and Golden Forty. These high-grade deposits are highly valuable exploration targets, and to date discoveries include high-grade gold at Edna Beryl and Mauretania, plus copper-gold at Goanna and Monitor. These are the first discoveries in the TCMF for over a decade.

https://twitter.com/emmerson_erm https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMHQ-yBuYTEKv-hB0vkLCng abnnewswire.com 


Emmerson Resources Limited
T: (08) 9380 6885
WWW: www.emmersonresources.com.au

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