Electro Optic Systems Holdings Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile
Announces Collaboration with ST Kinetics on New Remote Weapon Systems Maintenance Centre
Announces Collaboration with ST Kinetics on New Remote Weapon Systems Maintenance Centre

Canberra, Oct 31, 2013 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Electro Optic Systems (googlechartASX:EOS) (googlechartEOPSY:OTCMKTS) has completed development of two new weapon systems aimed at the emerging market for increasing the firepower of armored infantry fighting vehicles. The company also announced the completion of a full support depot for remote weapon systems in Singapore.

Weapon Systems

The two new weapon systems, first announced at the Army USA Show in Washington DC [21-23 October 2013] are:

1. Remote Turret for 30 mm cannon. The remote turret is a new category of product, intended to deploy the 30mm ATK Mk44 cannon in a 1.3 tonne turret. The turret allows precision engagement from a moving vehicle to a moving target.

2. "R-400S" Remote Weapon System. EOS has upgraded its R-400 [CROWS] RWS to deploy the 30mm ATK M230 LF cannon in a 0.4 tonne system. The new R-400S allows precision engagement up to 2 km from a moving vehicle to a moving target with 30 mm lethality.

Both systems address a rapidly emerging requirement for increased firepower across the entire range of combat vehicles, whether tracked or wheeled, and including lightweight platforms previously equipped with small arms and crew operated weapons such as the M2 12.7mm heavy machine gun.

Armored vehicles have been equipped for more than 80 years with turrets that allow a weapon to be aimed independently of the vehicle's orientation. These turrets have included accommodation for operators in a cylindrical "cage" that is slung under the exposed parts of the turret and rotates with the turret inside the vehicle.

A conventional (traditional) turret requires a large hole in the top armor of the vehicle to insert the cage into the vehicle as the turret is added on top. This creates a weak point in the vehicle's armor and is the most common point of attack. Conventional turrets are heavy and occupy a large amount of space inside the armored vehicle for the operator cage. This requires a large vehicle that is more vulnerable to enemy detection and engagement.

In figure 1 a conventional tank turret is shown. Tank turrets typically deploy 120 mm cannon and weigh more than 25 tonnes. Similar concepts apply for infantry fighting vehicle turrets which deploy 20-40 mm cannon and weigh 3-5 tonnes.

EOS has leveraged its remote weapon technology base to develop lightweight [1-2 tonne] remote turrets for lighter vehicles which require cannon. A 30 mm cannon provides double the effective range and armor penetration of the smaller 20/25mm gun. The range and lethality of 30 mm cannon represents a new standard for infantry combat vehicle weaponry.

A remote turret does not require a cage. Operators can be located remotely from the turret itself, either completely below armor or even remote from the vehicle.

A remote turret has the following advantages over a conventional manned turret:

- Lighter. Weight savings of 50% are made over a comparable manned turret. Most of this saving is above the vehicle centre-of-mass, aiding vehicle stability.

- Vehicle Capacity. A remote turret will occupy no space inside the vehicle for a turret cage. This improves communications for the crew. Removal of the cage will save at least 1 linear meter of chassis length and provide significantly greater infantry carrying capacity. This provides compounding savings in weight, drive train, armor protection, logistic support and transport requirements.

- Profile. A lower profile reduces detection and hit probability in combat.

- Top Armor. The remote turret sits on top of the vehicle top armor, with no penetration required. The turret can actually reinforce a key central section of the vehicle roof - typically a weak defensive point.

- Less Expensive. The remote turret costs significantly less than a conventional turret.

- Lower Power. The remote turret is lighter and therefore requires less power for the same performance as a manned turret.

- Remote operation. The weapon and its sensors are by definition remotely operated, and can be used from any location with communications to the vehicle.

The Chief Executive Officer of EOS Dr. Ben Greene said:

"Our remote turret now provides weapon performance and accuracy normally achieved with a 25 tonne manned turret, but for smaller caliber cannon. It can be deployed on vehicles as light as 15 tonnes. It is a flexible platform readily adaptable to the individual turret requirements of customers."

"The initial configuration of the turret is aimed at the large number of armored vehicles requiring weapon upgrades from 20-25 mm cannon to 30-40 mm cannon, and new vehicles entering this competition for firepower. It is initially configured with the powerful Mk44 30-40 mm cannon produced by ATK (USA) which has already been selected for service by several existing EOS customers."

"The global market for this 30-40 mm cannon configuration of the remote turret over the 7 years from 2015 will likely exceed several thousand units and we expect EOS will be amongst the first to achieve full-rate turret production in this market segment. The future requirements of existing users of EOS weapon systems are projected to account for around $2 billion in product value. We will compete strongly for the requirements of those existing customers as well as new customers."

"A key customer for EOS is the Australian Defence Force, which will potentially require a mix of remote turrets and weapon systems for next-generation combat vehicles planned for acquisition under its Project Land 400 and other programs. The remotely operated turret has been developed as a platform that can be adapted to meet expected Australian requirements."

Customer restrictions prevent images of the EOS turret being released at this time.

Also at the Army USA Show in Washington DC EOS unveiled its new R-400S remote weapon system, as shown in Figure 2 in link below. The R-400S has been specifically developed to provide 30 mm firepower in a high precision weapon system, weighing less than 350 kg.

The R-400S provides precision engagement using lightweight 20-30 mm cannon, to allow light vehicles to deploy unprecedented firepower. For example the ATK M230LF 30 mm cannon is a much lighter 30 mm cannon than the Mk44 30 mm deployed on the EOS turret, and has an effective range of 2 km compared to at least 4 km for Mk44.

Remote Weapon System Support Centre in Singapore

EOS and Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd (ST Kinetics) have jointly completed a new maintenance and support facility for remote weapon systems ("RWS") in Singapore. The facility, formally opened by the Australian High Commissioner to Singapore, Mr. Phillip Green, is called the STK-EOS RWS Centre.

At the inauguration of the RWS Centre, the President of ST Kinetics, Mr. Sew Chee Jhuen said:

"ST Kinetics and EOS have a long history of cooperation in RWS and today we inaugurate a new RWS Centre in Singapore.

"The RWS Centre now established in ST Kinetics' Jalan Boon Lay facility is one of the most advanced support facilities ever deployed in Asia for remote weapon systems. It will provide advanced support for ST Kinetics and EOS weapon systems for the region."

Also at the Centre's inauguration in Singapore, Dr. Ben Greene said:

"The collaboration with ST Kinetics is a strong example of EOS's business model, which engages key partners in different aspects of our defence business ranging from product design to production and support. Today we inaugurate ST Kinetics' new RWS Centre to provide support to EOS and ST Kinetics' weapon systems in this region."

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Mark Bornholt
CEO - EOS Defence Systems
Ph: +61 404 042 528

Ben Greene
Group CEO, EOS
Ph: +61 414 365 658

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