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EXPERT VIDEO: Olympus Innov-X Systems Andrew Somers Interview at Resources and Energy Symposium in Broken Hill
EXPERT VIDEO: Olympus Innov-X Systems Andrew Somers Interview at Resources and Energy Symposium in Broken Hill

Broken Hill, June 6, 2011 (ABN Newswire) - Olympus Innov-X Systems' Director of Sales Andrew Somers talks to ABN Newswire at the Resources and Energy Symposium in Broken Hill about current Innov-X activities surrounding integration of products into industry standard systems and the research and development activities.

DELTA Handheld XRF Analyzers provide fast, non-destructive elemental analysis from Mg to U, from PPM to 100%. Used on location for immediate results, they help determine the next course of action, when and where it's needed. Get HHXRF when time is of the essence or materials cannot be transported, damaged, or altered.

View the Video Interview here:

Handheld XRF Analyzers

Fast, non-destructive analysis of Mg to U, from PPM to 100%. Test directly where needed, when time is of the essence or materials cannot be moved, damaged or altered.

- DELTA Scrap Sorter Handheld XRF
- DELTA Consumer Safety Handheld XRF
- DELTA Research & Discovery Handheld XRF

Mobile XRF Analyzers

Lab-like EDXRF power & performance in a portable package: tube-based, closed-beam enclosure, on-board PC, large display & virtual keyboard. 28 pounds; 10W power.

- X-5000 Mobile XRF Analyzer

Specialised XRF Analyzers

XRF workstations featuring patented diffractive optics for ultra low detection limits of low atomic number elements - Mg, Al, Si, P, S and Cl. Specialized for oils and other fluids.

- MESA 6000 (Horiba) Petrochem S/Cl XRF
- SEA-Mate (Maersk) On-board XRF

For more information on Olympus Innov-X products and services, please visit:

About Symposium

Gold Event SymposiumSymposium exists to connect the Australian resources industry with the investment community at both a domestic and international level. We provide a range of opportunities for mining, coal, oil, gas and other energy-related businesses to present to and engage with potential investors. Our events, from monthly roadshows to annual conferences in Australia as well as North America and China are all specifically designed to showcase the resources industry, raise awareness and create mutually beneficial business partnerships. For more information see: 


Olympus Innov-X
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Fax: +61-2-9519-1850

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