D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) Lodged Prospectus For Fully Underwritten Initial Public Offering Of Navaho Gold Limited
Brisbane, Feb 16, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - D'Aguilar Gold Limited (
ASX:DGR) (D'Aguilar) is pleased to advise of the finalisation and lodgement, yesterday after the closure of the market, of the Prospectus for the IPO and ASX-listing of Navaho Gold Limited (Navaho Gold), currently a subsidiary of D'Aguilar Gold.
As part of the IPO of Navaho Gold, all D'Aguilar shareholders on the register as of yesterday's date will receive a priority entitlement on a personalised application form to be mailed to them together with a Navaho Gold Prospectus planned for early March 2011.
A$9 Million IPO Raising
The IPO for Navaho Gold will raise A$9 million for the exploration of Navaho Gold's portfolio of gold and gold-silver projects in Nevada, USA and Queensland, Australia. The Directors are very pleased to report that the issue has been fully underwritten by Bizzell Capital Partners. The pooled priority entitlement for eligible D'Aguilar shareholders will be A$1,000,000.
Carlin Style Mineralisation
Navaho Gold is clearly focused on the exploration for and ultimate development of "Carlin Style" gold mineralisation. "Carlin" gold mineralisation was recognised near the town of Carlin in Nevada USA in the 1960's. Carlin deposits occur as the result of low temperature solutions precipitating gold, silver and sulphide minerals in limey, magnesian and carbonaceous sediments, which have first been made a porous and receptive host by the effect of acid solutions emanating from nearby intrusions and fragmentation from fault activity. Carlin orebodies are typically both large and highgrade, ranging up to 40Moz gold (eg. Barrick Gold Corporation (
NYSE:ABX)'s Post-Betze deposit). Nevada has 20 major mining operations producing in excess of 100,000 oz gold per annum.
Projects in Nevada (one of the most gold-rich provinces in the World) and Queensland
Navaho Gold has various agreements to earn majority interests in, or acquire, at Navaho Gold's election, seven projects in Nevada, four of which are located on or adjacent to the prolific gold-producing Carlin and Battle Mountain Trends, and holds exploration licences over three potential new "Carlin" style regions in Queensland.
From the period 1981 to 2009, in excess of 156Moz gold has been produced in Nevada, making it one of the most strongly endowed gold provinces in the World. The Carlin Trend alone has produced more gold than any other mining district in the USA.
Importantly, Navaho Gold's Carlin East project in Nevada lies approximately 5km east of Barrick Gold Corporation's 40Moz gold Post-Betze deposit, and the Utah Clipper project in Nevada is located immediately along trend from Barrick's Cortez and Pipeline-Gold Acres deposits which contain more than 30Moz gold.
Innovative Approach to Exploration
Navaho Gold plans to apply refined geophysical techniques, particularly gravity surveying, detailed geochemistry, and drilling to intersect the favourable "lower plate" host rock targets on its projects in Nevada.
Early Activity
Navaho Gold will commence drilling at the Steven's Basin Project, Nevada soon after listing (subject to weather and access) and will target surface gold mineralisation defined by widespread gold in rockchips (up to 2.5g/t) and a >700 metre long, open-ended soil anomaly.
Accomplished Management
Navaho Gold is headed by Mark Dugmore (ex BHP (
NYSE:BHP) global base metals exploration manager). Each member the Board and Management of Navaho Gold are highly experienced resource industry professionals with a demonstrated track record in the discovery, project development and financing of precious and base metal projects. Navaho Gold plans to establish an operational base in Reno, Nevada.
Further information regarding Navaho Gold, its projects, management team and a copy of its Prospectus are available on the Company's website at http://navahogold.com
Mr Nicholas Mather
Managing Director
D'Aguilar Gold Limited
Ph: +61-7-3303-0680
Karl Schlobohm
Company Secretary
D'Aguilar Gold Limited
Ph: +61-7-3303-0680
Email: info@daguilar.com.au
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