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D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) Subsidiary Navaho Gold Secures Further Nevada Gold Project Interests
D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) Subsidiary Navaho Gold Secures Further Nevada Gold Project Interests

Brisbane, Oct 13, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - D'Aguilar Gold Limited (googlechartASX:DGR) is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, Navaho Gold Pty Ltd has entered into lease/option agreements with Genesis Gold Corporation ("Genesis") whereby Navaho Gold has a 100% buyout option on two of Genesis' Nevada gold projects: Carlin East and Tobin.

Carlin East is located in the vicinity of the 100 Moz Carlin Trend approximately 35km northwest of Carlin and about 6km northeast of Newmont Mining Corp's Leeville-Turf gold mine. The Carlin Trend is host to some of the largest and most productive gold deposits in North America and one of the richest gold trends in the world. Tobin is located 56km south of Winnemucca and the property is 16km southeast of the Goldbanks project, which is an epithermal discovery owned in joint venture between Kinross Gold and Desert Gold Ventures. Genesis currently holds a 100% interest in the Carlin East and Tobin projects.

Pursuant to the terms of both the Carlin East and Tobin Agreements, Navaho Gold can elect to purchase each property outright at any time by payment of USD$3 million per property. Following outright purchase of a project property by Navaho Gold, Genesis will retain a 2% NSR royalty. The option to purchase the property under each Agreement is maintained by annual payments from Navaho Gold to Genesis.

Carlin East

The focus at Carlin East will be exploration for classical "Carlin" style, high grade gold mineralisation not adequately tested by previous work.

The claim block covers surface geochemical anomalies associated with favourable structures approximately 6km from Newmont's multi-million ounce West Leeville-Turf gold projects and 5.5km from Barrick Gold Corp's Post-Betze open pit and Meikle underground operations.

Outcrop geology within the claim area consists of siliceous Upper Plate rocks concealing interpreted prospective Lower Plate carbonate rocks below.

Structurally, the area straddles the NW projection of a mapped anticline which lies parallel and adjacent to the anticline which passes through the centre of the Carlin trend. Ground gravity data exists over the southern two-thirds of the claim block and, evident in this data, is a prominent NWtrending gravity high coincident with the along strike projection of the anticline. Interpretation of this data indicates that prospective Lower Plate rocks may be fault-bound and uplifted closer to the surface along this gravity high.

The claims also lie along a projected NNE-trending lineament interpreted from air photos, Landsat and regional gravity data, which can be traced approximately 6km to the SSW into Newmont Mining's high-grade Turf Deposit.

Ridge and spur rock geochemical sampling by Genesis over the claim block identified numerous anomalous Au, As, Sb, Hg and Ag assays. A rockchip sample taken in the central part of the block returned 0.195 g/t Au and 1.4 g/t Ag. These anomalies occur within rocks which are interpreted to overlie the prospective sequence and provide encouragement that a significant alteration system is present on the property at depth.

The favourable structural setting, proximity to known gold discovereries, and coincident anomalous pathfinder geochemistry coupled with the understanding that the prospective Lower Plate carbonate rocks have never been drill tested, makes this claim block a compelling exploration target.


The Tobin property is located 16km to the southeast of the Kinross Gold/Desert Gold Ventures Goldbanks gold project approximately 56km south of Winnemucca, Nevada.

The principal zones of interest at Tobin have both "Carlin" style, disseminated gold mineralisation and high grade, structurally controlled epithermal vein mineralisation hosted in carbonate host rocks.

Evidence of hot spring or epithermal activity is manifest on the property by the presence of colloform banded silica and carbonate. Both stratabound and structurally-controlled jasperoids, typical of leakage associated with Carlin-style gold mineralisation, are also present on the property.

Previous rockchip sampling by Genesis located ore-grade gold values at surface up to 2.3 g/t with strong anomalism in important pathfinder elements including As, Sb, Hg and in particular Ag up to 95 ppm. This anomalous geochemistry is associated with hydrothermal alteration, principally silicification, along a zone approximately 3km long. One-third of all samples taken returned significant gold assays greater than 0.1 ppm. Outcrop is variable and subdued along this zone and the potential to host poorly outcropping mineralisation is encouraging.

Work planned by Navaho Gold will include a grid-based soil sampling program along the anomalous silicification zone to determine the extent of surface gold mineralisation.


Navaho Gold is a partially-owned subsidiary of ASX listed D'Aguilar Gold Limited. Navaho Gold is clearly focused on the exploration and development of "Carlin" style gold mineralisation.

Navaho Gold has identified three areas in Queensland, Australia as highly prospective and holds six (6) granted and twenty (20) applications for exploration permits covering more than 7,000 km2 (2,700 mile2) in the Georgetown, northern Bowen Basin and Texas areas.

Navaho Gold is also currently assembling a highly prospective gold portfolio within the 200 million ounce Carlin/Battle Mountain-Eureka trends in Nevada, USA. Navaho Gold has recently completed a seed capital raising and commenced preparation of a prospectus ahead of a proposed IPO and ASX listing as soon as practical.

Navaho Gold is headed by Mark Dugmore (ex BHP (googlechartASX:BHP) (googlechartNYSE:BHP) global base metals manager). Each member the Board and Management of the Company are highly experienced resource industry professionals with a demonstrated track record in the discovery, project development and financing of precious and base metal projects.


Genesis Gold Corporation is a private gold exploration company operating principally in Nevada. The Company has an experienced team with a strong background in the acquisition and exploration of precious metal mining projects. Genesis controls a 100% interest in seventeen gold projects strategically located along or near Nevada's most productive gold trends.

The principals of Genesis have a long and successful history of gold discovery in the United States. Genesis maintains active generative (prospecting) and evaluation programs and, as a key element of strategy, broadens exposure, minimizes risk and maintains focus on high priority prospects while seeking industry finance through option agreements and joint ventures on selected projects. The Company currently has the majority of its projects optioned or joint ventured to major and junior mining companies.


Mr Nicholas Mather
Managing Director
D'Aguilar Gold Limited
Ph: +61-7-3303-0680

Mr Mark Dugmore
Managing Director
Navaho Gold
ph: +61-7-3303-0680

Karl Schlobohm
Company Secretary
D'Aguilar Gold Ltd
ph: +61-7-3303-0680

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