Brazil Trade Bureau Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile
VIDEO: International Trade Advisor Luis Neves Speaks to ABN Newswire
VIDEO: International Trade Advisor Luis Neves Speaks to ABN Newswire

Sydney, Oct 6, 2010 (ABN Newswire) - VIDEO: International Trade Advisor Luis Henrique Aroeira Neves Speaks to ABN Newswire.

ABN Newswire interviews Luis Henrique Aroeira Neves. Luis Henrique (MIB USYD) is a "carioca" turned Sydneysider. An International Trade Advisor at the Brazil Trade Bureau, a branch of the Consulate General of Brazil in Sydney, he succinctly explains why Australian investors should consider Brazil.

The B in the BRIC acronym, Brazil, positions itself to be one of the most successful emerging economies of the XXI century. Brazil's GDP forecasts indicate to an increase of more than 7% in 2010. So far this year, industrial production has grown 11% compared to the same period of last year. Brazil is a stable, democratic, westernized country the size of Australia plus an extra NSW with plenty of untapped potential, human resources and water. Its domestic market thrives on a population of 190 million with a growing middle-class, well positioned mining, agribusiness, oil, biofuels, manufacturing, and services industries offer a range of opportunities. The 2009 OECD Survey of Brazil pointed how, by using prudent fiscal policies, the country reaped the benefits of the boom in commodities, with a relatively mild downturn during the GFC, and a quick rebound. According to UNCTAD 2010 World Investment Survey, Brazil is now the 3rd preferred FDI destination of global CEOs.

After successfully hosting the 2007 Pan-American Games in Rio, Brazil is now getting ready for the FIFA World Cup 2014, and the Olympic Games of 2016.

The Brazil Trade Bureau, a division of the Consulate General of Brazil in Sydney, has been building bridges between the two largest economies of the Southern Hemisphere for decades. Our area of expertise relates to empowering potential foreign investors, as well as to find business opportunities for Brazilian exports in Australia. The Brazil Tradenet is a trade and investment database from the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations,
View the videocast here:


Brazil Trade Bureau
Consulate General of Brazil - Sydney

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