Kasbah Resources Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile
Kasbah Resources Limited (ASX:KAS) Quarterly Report For The Period Ending 30 September 2009
Kasbah Resources Limited (ASX:KAS) Quarterly Report For The Period Ending 30 September 2009

Perth, Oct 29, 2009 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Kasbah Resources Limited (ASX:KAS) is pleased to provide this update on the company's progress in Morocco. Drilling commenced at the Achmmach Tin Project on 13 August 2009. This Meknes Zone Indicated (MZI) Resource drill program aims to:

- close the drill spacing in this area to nominally 50m centres,

- test continuity over mining intervals, and

- collect sufficient data for the estimation of a Indicated Resource in the range of 1- 2 Mt (from within the existing Inferred Resource of 6Mt @ 0.9% Sn).

During the quarter Kasbah commissioned international tin expert Dr Roger Taylor to undertake a site visit and provide a detailed mineralogical assessment of Achmmach Tin Project. Critical insights about the formation of the Achmmach tin mineralisation were gained and confirm the earlier hypotheses about the style and form of the tin mineralisation.

Most significantly, on the deposit scale Dr. Taylor concluded that the current level of tin mineralisation (at about the 900mRL) in the western end of the Achmmach hill, is the top of the system. Dr. Taylor notes that this style of tin mineralisation can be expected to have at least 500 to 1,000m of vertical extent and this is supported by drill hole AD025 (25m @ 1.29% tin from 502m) with significant mineralisation intersected on the 730mRL (170m below most of the current drilling.)

Significantly, results from the 569.7m of oriented diamond drilling in this quarter combined with the extensive surface mapping and re-logging of the previous drill holes completed has allowed Kasbah geologists to link the historic underground development, diamond drilling and surface mapping. Locations of the mineralised lodes (some of which have a tin association) can now be predicted more confidently and the true width of mineralisation can be estimated more accurately.

The structural measurements of the oriented core from the mineralisation in drill hole AD029 that returned 21m @ 0.68% Sn from 346m show that quartz-cassiterite veins which form the bulk of the tin mineralisation dip steeply to the north-northwest and northwest. This confirms the initial interpretations of the 070-080 striking sub-vertical orientation of the main mineralised structures in the Meknes zone.

The intersection of pyrrhotite - cassiterite mineralisation, not seen before in the Meknes Zone, confirms this zone as a point of multiple re-activation and mineralisation. Previously this style of mineralisation was only seen in drilling in the Eastern zone (approximately 1km away). The ongoing MZI drilling will test the predicted mineralised positions of these tourmaline lodes, which are interpreted as the channel pathways that carry the mineralising tin fluids.

Site infrastructure works were commenced during the quarter including the construction of a sample preparation facility onsite. The focus is to set the site up for a multi-rig operation and to reduce the time taken for assay turnaround. Preparation of crushed rock samples on site for dispatch will reduce the lag time in receipt of assays and the cost to the company.

Additional works included upgrades to site communications systems, camp accommodation, core cutting and core storage facilities.


During the quarter Kasbah;

- Appointed Mr Trevor Hart as Chief Financial Officer / Company Secretary;

- Completed and lodged the 2009 Financial Accounts.

The company's Annual General Meeting will be held at 11am on Friday 20th November at the Perth Zoo Function Centre, Labouchere Road South Perth.

For the complete Kasbah Resources Quarterly Report for the period ending 30 September 2009, please click the link below:



Wayne Bramwell
Managing Director
Phone: +61-8-9463-6651

Trevor Hart
CFO / Company Secretary
Phone: +61-8-9463-6651

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