Focus Minerals Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

Perth, Feb 24, 2009 (ABN Newswire) - Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML) provides the opportunity to listen to an audio broadcast with Mr Campbell Baird (CEO) and Mr Peter Williams (COO) in a presentation titled "FML - Capital Raising and Update - Mr Campbell Baird, CEO and Mr Peter Williams, COO".

The Capital Raising will allow Focus to accelerate growth and development of the Coolgardie Gold Project, where the Company is aiming to establish a long-term sustainable production base of 100,000 ounces per annum.

The decision to undertake the Capital Raising to fast-track the refurbishment and modernisation of the Company's 1.2Mtpa Three Mile Hill treatment facility (Plant Refurbishment) follows recent increases in the Company's gold resource base - including a significant upgrade at the Company's Brilliant Deposit and ongoing successful exploration and development programs.

This decision is supported by the current strong gold price environment, which is creating unprecedented opportunities for gold producers to make significant margins. The Board has determined that this strategy represents the best option for the Company in terms of enhancing shareholder wealth, rather than utilizing cash flow from existing operations - which would effectively delay the implementation of this growth strategy by 12-14 months.

Focus Minerals Ltd (ASX:FML) is an Australian-based exploration and development group whose focus is to become a significant gold and nickel producer in the Coolgardie-Kalgoorlie-Widgiemooltha region of Western Australia.

Focus Minerals is the largest landholder in the Coolgardie Gold Belt located in Western Australia, 560km east of Perth and 35km west of the 'Super Pit' in Kalgoorlie-Boulder. More than 2.6 million ounces of gold has been produced from the Coolgardie gold belt alone since 1892. Focus holds the mineral rights to more than 210sq km of tenements including an extensive inventory of Measured, Indicated and Inferred gold resources as well as the 1.2mtpa Three Mile Hill processing plant

Peter Williams
Managing Director
Focus Minerals Ltd
Telephone: +61-8-9215-7888

About Focus Minerals Ltd

Focus MineralsWith over 3.8Moz of Mineral Resource, Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML) has a highly strategic portfolio of assets across Australia's two leading gold producing districts – the Kalgoorlie/Coolgardie belt and Laverton – and the financial muscle to continue to unlock further potential for growth. 


Peter Williams
Managing Director
Focus Minerals Ltd
Telephone: +61-8-9215-7888

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