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Befimmo SCA (EBR:BEFI) Pursuant to Article 15 of the Act of 2 May 2007 and the Royal Decree of 14 February 2008, Befimmo publishes the following information:
* Total registered capital: €186,919,000 * Total number of shares conferring the right to vote: 13,058,969 * Description of Befimmo SCA denominator structure o Effective voting rights attached to shares representing the capital: 13,058,969 o Future voting rights, potential or otherwise, resulting from rights and commitments at the conversion into or the subscription for shares to be issued, namely: the exercise of warrants: none * As no threshold is at present provided for in the articles of Befimmo SCA, the threshold of 5% and multiple shares are therefore applicable.
Notification of interests should be sent for the attention of: Denis Van de Wiele Befimmo SCA - Sicafi Chaussée de Wavre 1945 1160 Brussels Tel: 02/679.38.65 - Fax: 02/679.38.66 d.vandewiele@befimmo.be www.befimmo.be
The press release can be downloaded from the following link: