Medusa Mining Ltd (ASX:MML) 20 August 2008

                        MEDUSA MINING LIMITED
                             (AIM: MML)

                       CONFIRMS MINERALISATION

Medusa Mining Limited ("Medusa" or the "Company"), the Australian
based company operating and developing gold mines in the Philippines,
through its Philippines operating company, Philsaga Mining
Corporation, advises that new drill holes LIN 1 and LIN 2 at Lingig
are visually confirming copper mineralisation similar to the 1974
discovery hole DDH 1.

Vertical drill hole LIN 1 was positioned three metres away from the
1974 discovery hole and intersected the doleritic rocks with
increasing silicification towards the porphyry contact at 185.50
metres (compared to 198 metres in DDH 1).  The hole collapsed in
broken ground just below the porphyry contact and was abandoned at
191.5 metres.

A second vertical hole, LIN 2, is underway positioned approximately
60 metres to the south of LIN 1.  The hole is at 338.75 metres (as of
17 August 2008) and is drilling ahead in mineralised quartz diorite.

Hole   From (m) To (m) Description
LIN 2  0.00     196.00 Dolerite: propylitic alteration with common
                       fracturing and veining, chalcopyrite in
                       veinlets and disseminations in places, rare
                       chalcocite and bornite
       196.00   202.00 Porphyry dyke: weakly altered and veined
       202.00   239.90 Dolerite: increasing silicification and
                       veining, chalcopyrite and rare bornite
       239.90   245.30 Porphyritic andesite dyke: pyrite, bornite and
       245.30   283.75 Dolerite: veined in places, chalcopyrite,
                       bornite, and pyrite minor magnetite
       283.75   338.75 Diorite: disseminated bornite, chalcopyrite,

Complete assays will be provided when received.

Please see the link at the end of this announcement for a geological
map of the Lingig area.

Geoff Davis, Managing Director of Medusa, commented:

"This drilling  confirms the  presence of  copper mineralisation.  We
expect to  be able  to  announce the  first  assay results  in  about
mid-September, at  which  time we  will  advise shareholders  of  the
ongoing drill programme".

For further information, please contact:

Medusa Mining Limited                   +61 8 9367 0601
Geoffrey Davis, Managing Director
Roy Daniel, Finance Director

Fairfax I.S. PLC                        +44 (0)20 7598 5368
Nominated Adviser / Joint Broker
Jeremy Porter

Mirabaud Securities Limited             +44 (0)20 7321 2508
Joint Broker
Peter Krens

Lothbury Financial                      +44 (0)20 7011 9411
Michael Padley / Louise Davis

Information in this report relating  to Exploration Results is  based
on information compiled  by Mr Geoff  Davis, who is  a member of  The
Australian Institute  of  Geoscientists.  Mr Davis  is  the  Managing
Director of Medusa Mining Limited and has sufficient experience which
is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under
consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to  qualify
as a  Competent  Person  as  defined  in  the  2004  Edition  of  the
"Australian  Code  for  Reporting  of  Exploration  Results,  Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves".  Mr Davis consents  to the inclusion  in
the report of the  matters based on his  information in the form  and
context in which it appears.



Medusa Mining Ltd

ISIN: AU000000MML0

Stock Identifier: AIMX.MML

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