Perth, April 1, 2008 AEST (ABN Newswire) - The Directors of Hemisphere Resources (ASX: HEM) are pleased to announce preliminary results for the recent drilling program carried out at the Mulgarrie nickel project.

Spear sample 4m composite drilling intercepts encountered
28m at 0.56% Ni from 32m (including 4m at 1.23% Ni from 44m)
10m at 0.58% Ni from 32m (including 4m at 0.73% Ni from 36m)

Mulgarrie is situated some 25km from the Black Swan - Silver Swan nickel mine within Western Australia's world class nickel province. Results are for 4m composites from spear samples and 1m results are still to be received.

Hemisphere Resources completed a drilling program at the Mulgarrie Project to follow up previous intercepts that show the potential for nickel sulphide. A total of 41 holes were drilled for 1,781metres. Only the composite (4m) assay results have been received at this stage. The program was completed using Aircore drilling other two holes completed using Rotary Air Blast (RAB).

Prospects tested with drilling were the Drumstick, Wishbone East and Wishbone West. From the drilling, broad ranges of nickel mineralisation have been demonstrated and the exploration potential of the project has been enhanced.


Two traverses of aircore drilling were completed at the Drumstick Prospect. The drilling was carried out on a 200m x 50m grid pattern. A total of 11 holes were completed for 603m. Drilling was completed to blade refusal varying from 32m to 75m. Previous mineralisation targeted included 2m at 0.73% Ni and 96ppm Cu from 48m in olivine spinifex and 12m at 0.42% Ni and 177ppm Cu from 44m in B zone cumulate.

Drilling was completed on traverses 100m both north and south of this previous drilling. Results from the recent drilling returned a number of significant results. The initial 4m comps have been received with the individual 1m splits awaited.
Significant Drill Results, Drumstick Prospect:------------------------------------------------------------------Hole   Northing  Easting  RL Az. Dip Depth From To  Interval Grade       (AGD 84)  (AGD 84)                 (m)   (m) (m)     (% Ni)------------------------------------------------------------------HMAC021 6660429  357403  404 270 -60 74    32   60  28        0.56                                     Incl  44   48   4        1.23HMAC022 6660422  357454  404 270 -60 75    60   72  12        0.37HMAC023 6660424  357498  404 270 -60 69    56   67  11        0.35HMRB028 6660221  357501  403 270 -60 42    32   42  10        0.58 (RAB)                               Incl  36   40   4        0.73HMAC029 6660221  357549  403 270 -60 58    44   48   4        0.42------------------------------------------------------------------
WISHBONE PROSPECTFour traverses of aircore drilling were completed at the Wishbone Prospect. The drilling was completed on 200m x 40m traverses targeting in the vicinity of previous anomalous results. A total of 30 holes were completed for 1,178 metres. Drilling was completed to blade refusal varying from 10m to 72m. Previous mineralisation targeted included 12m at 0.55% Ni from 20m in komatiite saprock on the western limb and 16m at 0.55% Ni from 20m on the eastern limb.Drilling was completed on traverses 70m north and 130m south of previous results on the western limb; while 100m north and 100m south on the eastern limb
Significant Drill Results, Wishbone West Prospect:------------------------------------------------------------------Hole   Northing  Easting  RL Az. Dip Depth From To  Interval Grade       (AGD 84)  (AGD 84)                 (m)   (m) (m)     (% Ni)------------------------------------------------------------------HMAC003 6657843  360446   406 270 -60 52   16   28  12        0.36HMAC004 6657849  360499   407 270 -60 54   28   36   8        0.30HMAC005 6657845  360547   408 270 -60 61   12   40  28        0.30HMAC010 6657648  360551   410 270 -60 56   16   20   4        0.38HMAC011 6657843  360597   408 270 -60 56   20   44  20        0.30HMAC012 6657846  360651   409 270 -60 72   20   36  16        0.27HMAC013 6657852  360700   409 270 -60 24    8   24  16        0.30HMAC019 6657640  360749   408 270 -60 16    0    8   8        0.30HMAC020 6657644  360799   406 270 -60 43    0    4   4        0.33------------------------------------------------------------------Significant Drill Results, Wishbone East Prospect:------------------------------------------------------------------Hole   Northing  Easting  RL Az. Dip Depth From To  Interval Grade       (AGD 84)  (AGD 84)                 (m)   (m) (m)     (% Ni)------------------------------------------------------------------HMAC031 6657902  362050   396 270 -60 53   24   44  20        0.31HMAC033 6657898  362152   396 270 -60 30   20   30  10        0.34HMAC039 6657697  362202   398 270 -60 27   16   27  11        0.31HMAC040 6657697  362251   398 270 -60 30   24   28   4        0.44------------------------------------------------------------------
Drilling has demonstrated a broad zone of nickel mineralisation which is open in all directions. Hemisphere will continue testing the prospectivity of the project.

The Mulgarrie project is a joint venture between Hemisphere (70%) and Falcon Minerals Limited (30%). Hemisphere is exploring the Mulgarrie project for Archaean komatiite-hosted nickel sulphide mineralisation. Nickel and copper anomalies have previously been demonstrated and the current results are very encouraging. The project is within a nickel production belt bounded by the Scotia, Carr Boyd and Silver Swan nickel mines.

The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Mr Alan Downie, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Downie is employed by Downie Geological Services. Mr Downie has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Downie consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

About Nexus Minerals Ltd

Nexus Minerals Ltd's (ASX:NXM) vision is to deliver superior returns and sustainable prosperity to our stakeholders through the effective discovery and commercialisation of world class mineral assets in a safe and socially responsible manner. 


Enquiries Mr Danny Costick
Managing Director
Contact Phone: 08 9481 1749
Fax: 08 9481 1756

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