Sydney, Nov 19, 2007 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Intec Limited (ASX: INL) Announce polymetallic extraction process using a patented technology that reduces the impact on the environment. Dave Sammut introduces the process in an audio interview and explains the worldwide application of this technology to exract valuable ore.

The Intec Gold Process (IGP)

The IGP is a chloride-based hydrometallurgical process for the treatment of refractory gold concentrates. The development of the IGP arose from laboratory test work undertaken by Intec on 'double-refractory' gold concentrates from the Bakyrchik Mining Venture ("Bakyrchik"), 70% owned by Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. The rapid development of the IGP was made possible by the unique understanding of chloride chemistry that has been developed over many years by Intec technical personnel.

The inherent economic and environmental advantages of the IGP over other refractory gold treatment processes offer a clear pathway rapid application of the technology at the commercial scale.

Description of Intec Gold Process (IGP)

The Intec Gold Process (IGP) has been developed as a halide-based alternative for the recovery of gold from refractory sulfide deposits. The development of such deposits is generally by way of flotation of the ground ore to produce a concentrate, which is subsequently treated to oxidise sulfide minerals in a pre-treatment step, culminating in the extraction of the gold from the oxidation residue using cyanide.

Mr Dave Sammut, Corporate Development Manager; Intec Ltd (ASX: INL) present the following audio webcast regarding "An Introduction to Intec Ltd: Two Opportunities in One Company". You may also download this audio webcast to your computer or portable audio player.

Audio webcast Link:

Listen to the Video stream and view the announcement for Intec Ltd (ASX: INL) below.


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