Sydney, June 8, 2006 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Paul Budde Communications announce a strategic roundtable and seminar on the "Fibre to the Home" (FttH) network and communications roll out in Australia to be held on Wednesday 21 June 2006.

Over 20 new housing estates in Australia are now cabled with fibre. Over 35 regional cities have a fibre ring. There will be a strong focus at the Summit on what is happening internationally with guest speakers representing FttH implementations in Japan and North America. Japan has 5 million FttH users; Korea, the Netherlands and the USA are also well and truly underway.


Jonathan Spring, Managing Director, CEOS - Tasmanian Collaborative Optical Leading Testbed tasCOLT is a fibre-to-the-premises deployment in Tasmania, Australia with a consortium including the Tasmanian Government, Aurora, CEOS, the TECC, Hitachi, Intel, Corning and numerous other organisations. tasCOLT will develop a competitive communications market in Tasmania and will deliver voice, video and data services to businesses, homes, healthcare facilities and education institutions.

Special Guests

CEOS has arranged form some very interesting visitors from Hitachi Communications Technologies (HCOM) Japan to be present at the Roundtable in the afternoon. They also include a representative from Hitachi Ltd's global FTTH sales team. HCOM have supplied more than 1.5 million subscriber lines of PON equipment in Japan and they are the largest global supplier of FTTH equipment globally.

Special guests are:

- Dipak Kumar:

- Akiro Yamauchi:

- Kentaro Ito:

Colin Goodwin - FTTX Market Development Ericsson (VP FTTH Council Asia-Pac) - Overview of FttX activities around the world with a more detailed focus on the Asia Pacific region.

There has been dramatic growth in the number and range of FttH activties around the world over the 12 months. Major carrier builds in the USA are finally rolling out, and in Europe major open access community builds are underway or announced in Amsterdam, Vienna, Barcelona and Paris, while in Japan FttH is now growing faster than DSL. This presentation will provide a very comprehensive global update on FttH, while reflecting on the technologies, business models, and regulatory situations in various countries. The presenter - Colin Goodwin - is Ericsson''s Global Market Development Manager for FttX, and Vice-President of the FttH Council Asia-Pac. He regularly engages with FttX operators, regulators and technologists around the world, and is an authority on the FttX market worldwide.

Geof Heydon Innovations Director Alcatel - Developments in North America

Geof will present a quick summary of FTTx deployments in the US and focus more on the services being delivered over higher speed broadband leveraging these FTTx technologies and the impact of residential gateways on multi-service delivery of these services over a single IP network. Delivering converged triple play linking fixed and mobile services together in new and interesting ways is now on the agenda for some full service providers and he'll also talk about this and demonstrate some of these emerging services.

0930 - 1000    Arrival, networking and coffee 1000 - 1015    Welcome, introduction of delegates 1015 - 1115    Telstra's FttN plans and what this                means for Australia               Paul Budde. 1115 - 1145    Morning coffee 1145 - 1215    Developments in Asia Pacific               Colin Goodwin - FTTX Market Development                Ericsson (VP FTTH Council Asia-Pac) 1215 - 1245    Developments in North America               Geof Heydon Innovations Director Alcatel 1245 - 1345    Light lunch 1345 - 1415    Tasmania's FttH roll-out from Tascolt, Hobart               Jonathan Spring, Managing Director, CEOS 1415 - 1445    FttH developments in new housing estates               Bruce Duyshart, Head of Projects,                ICT Asia Pacific, Lend Lease1445 - 1500    Afternoon coffee 1500 - 1630    Roundtable discussion with delegates 1630           Close

When: Wednesday 21 June 2006
Venue: The Observatory Hotel, 89-113 Kent Street, Sydney
Booking: Online registration:
Or: Call or email Christine Lewis to make your booking

About Hitachi Communication Technologies, Ltd.

(1) Business Development and design, and manufacture of information and communication systems-related products and related sales and service in Japan and worldwide
(2) Headquarters Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
(3) Representative Eiji Aoki, President and CEO
(4) Established October 2002
(5) No. of employees 1,539 (as of March 2004)
(6) Net sales 111.2 billion yen (year ended March 2004)
(7) Relationship to Hitachi, Ltd. Hitachi Communication Technologies, Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd.


PAUL BUDDE Communication Pty Ltd,
TEL: +61 2 49 988 144
FAX: +61 2 49 988 247

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