The E-Clip encryption device attached to the Iridium ExtremeE-Clip attached to the Iridium Extreme® satellite phone

E-Clip attached to the Iridium Extreme®



BSG Introduces the E-Clip and E-Dock, the Only Commercial Devices to Enable Encrypted (AES-256) Voice Calls and Location Updates Over the Iridium® Network

TAMPA, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, June 26, 2024 / -- Today Black Saber Group, a company focused on secure voice and data, announces the launch of two products not previously seen in the commercial market: the E-Clip and the E-Dock, E standing for Encryption. The E-Clip and E-Dock are the first and only commercially available, exportable, AES-256 encrypted voice communication devices for the Iridium Extreme® satellite phone, with a user managed encryption graphical user interface (GUI).

These one-of-a-kind products are the result of two years of research and development based on identifying the need of a customer who required user-managed AES-256 encrypted voice capability for the Iridium Extreme. To answer this need Black Saber Group created the E-Clip for outside use and the E-Dock for inside use to include buildings, vehicles, and vessels.

The E-Clip and E-Dock encrypt voice calls between Iridium Extreme satellite phone users, providing an additional layer for secure communication. Both devices also encrypt position location information (PLI) using AES-256 and then transmit the data via the Iridium® satellite constellation to a Common Operating Picture (COP) for display. The encrypted PLI can be preset to send at timed intervals that the customer chooses. This can be enabled and disabled to the user’s preference. The E-Clip and E-Dock are NIST FIPS 197 certified. This validates the E-Clip and E-Dock's ability to perform end-to-end AES-256 encryption, used for voice (telephony) through the Iridium Network.

Encrypted voice over the Iridium Extreme is enabled when the E-Clip or E-Dock is attached to the Iridium Extreme and encrypted mode is selected on the GUI. Once the encrypted call is connected, using a headset with a 3.5mm jack, the two parties can speak securely.

Black Saber Group focuses on each customer’s unique needs, and offers customizations, when possible. This device is available domestically and internationally. For further inquiries reach out to .

About Black Saber Group: Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, Black Saber Group focuses on providing strategic solutions, new technology, and innovative practices to solve current and future secure communication and location information challenges for a diverse range of clients, including governments, corporate entities, and private individuals. Additionally, we are an authorized service provider and value-added manufacturer for Iridium satellite communications, covering both voice and data. Black Saber Group prioritizes the needs of its partners, ensuring customized and effective solutions for all secure communication and data requirements.

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E-Clip Usage Demonstration

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